1. Topic-
Let's Measure that Odd or Even
2. Content-
- How to measure different things
-Which measurement tool to use
-When is it appropriate to use a ruler, yard stick, etc.
-The differences between the different measuring tools
-The difference between odd and even
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.I want the kids to learn how to measure different objects, using the correct measurements and using the right measuring tools.
2.I want the kids to see the difference between centimeters, inches, feet, yards, and a meter.
3. I want the kids to be able to decipher between odd and even numbers and apply it to everyday principles.
4. Objectives-
1.The kids will learn the difference between odd and even numbers.
2.The kids will learn through hands-on activities and peer groups to learn different measuring standards.
3.The kids will learn how to pick the appropriate tool to measure with.
5. Materials and Aids-
Computers, the classroom, the hallway, blocks
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Teach about the different measuring units (centimeters, inches, yards, etc.) through PowerPoint and physical visual aids.
2.Teach about the different tools we can use to measure with. (ruler, yard stick, etc.)
3.Teach the kids how to differentiate between odd and even numbers through hands-on activities and group work.

B. Development-

1.I will show the kids the different measuring tools we can use.
2.I will explain the different units we use to measure with and show them visual aids for them to see the difference.
3.I will show them the difference between odd and even through a demonstration with blocks, and even maybe use the kids so that they can get up and move around.

C. Practice-

1.We will play Four Corners. Each corner will be labeled either inch, foot, yard or meter. I will show the kids a picture.They will then move to the corner of the unit they believe they would use to measure that object or person in the picture with.
2.For practicing odd and even, I will have the kids get into small groups. I will then distribute sets of blocks to each group. I will call out a number and the kids will pull out that number of blocks. They will then have to decide if the number is odd or even and explain, verbally to me, how they came to their conclusion.
3. Another activity we will do will be on the whiteboard. I will have a kid come up and draw something on the board. I will then call on another kid to come up and pick a measuring tool then measure the drawing. They will then have to give me the appropriate units of the drawing they just measured. If they are struggling, they can call on a friend to come help them out.

D. Independent Practice-

1.The kids will sit at their desk and i will give them a worksheet with six different pictures. From there, they must decide what measuring tool would be appropriate to use.
2.To practice even and odd, I will hand the kids a worksheet. The worksheet might tell the child to draw three dogs and then to write whether that is odd or even.
3. For figuring out units, I will have the kids take a paper home. On the paper, there will be eight different items the kids might find at home. They will have to go home and measure the item and use the correct standard unit and then explain why they choose that standard unit to use.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.For Alex, he will be given visual assignments. So for the assignment where they have to write and explanation, Alex will be able to verbally answer me since he struggles with writing. For the assignment where they have to write what measuring tool to use, Alex will be able to draw a picture showing me the tool he believes should be used.
2.Sam will be allow to answer verbally, since he struggles with writing. He will also be able to just point to the picture, of the correct measuring unit, to show me that he understands.
3. Lily will be able to draw pictures, like Alex or even draw pictures like Sam. I will have her do which ever is appropriate for the assignment and will should me that she understands the material.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.I will have the kids use our color system (green means I understand completely, yellow means I have having a little bit of trouble and red means I have no understanding of what we are learning). They will show me what color they feel like they are on. That way I can help the kids who are still struggling.

G. Closure-

1.To wrap up our lesson, I will review what we have learned.
-measurement tools
-standard measuring units
-odd and even numbers
7. Evaluation-
1.To test their knowledge, I will give an exam that allows the kids to demonstrate their knowledge of measuring tool, odd and even numbers, and how to use the appropriate measuring tool.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)