1. Topic-
Healthy or Sick?
2. Content-
Germs, Microorganisms, Healthy Habits, cooperation and nutrition
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students will learn habits for staying healthy
2. Students will learn parts of a nutrition label
3.Students will learn how to use a nutrition label as a tool for healthy choices
4. Student will use data from GLYPH to complete number sentences in addition, subtraction and multiplication
5. Students will apply guidelines for cooperative learning through activities in this lesson.
4. Objectives-
1.Completion of a GLYPH that illustrates student's habits when they are sick
2. Completion of Nutrition label exploration and group questionnaire
3. Completion of Data Analysis and number sentence construction
5. Materials and Aids-
Construction paper, scissors, glue, tissues, markers or crayons, Germs Make me Sick! By Melvin Berger, Overhead projector, and Promethean Active board.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. I arrange for School nurse visits the class to discuss and share with students strategies for staying healthy including: healthy eating, exercise and germ prevention

B. Development-

1.Instruction for H and S GLYPH is given using overhead
2. Read aloud Germs Make me Sick and showing photos of actual microorganisms

C. Practice-

1. Instruction for H and S GLYPH include showing examples of completed GLYPH
2. Completion of Literacy through movement for germs make me sick!

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students complete GLYPH and answer questions to create data.
2. Students then analyze data from GLYPHS to create their own number sentences

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Visual cues for completed GLYPHS
2. Whole body movement for LTM for GMMS

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Teacher observation of student interaction during nutritional label exploration
2. Teacher feedback to students regarding guidelines for cooperative learning

G. Closure-

We will connect this lesson to Math Detectives lesson 5- An apple a Day.
7. Evaluation-
1. Group questionnaires for Nutritional choices
2. Data analysis for GLYPHS and number sentence accuracy
8. Teacher Reflection-
I would have varied the choices kids had for nutritional label exploration to include more extreme choices for unhealthy choices (higher sugar levels etc.), some fast food nutrition information. Next time will separate the tables kids are working on for nutritional choices so they have to move to next group. I would have also given them more time to discuss their choices and other's choices.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)