1. Topic-
Real-Life Multiplication
2. Content-
Multiplication, commutative property
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
GLE 2.2 Develop understanding of multiplication and related division facts through multiple strategies and representations.

GLE 0302.4 Solve multiplication and division problems
using various representations.

4. Objectives-
1.GLE 2.7 Represent multiplication using various
representations such as equal-size groups, arrays, area models, and equal jumps on number lines.

SPI 0302.5 Identify various representations of Multiplication and division.
5. Materials and Aids-
- class set, FULL 24-count boxes of crayons
- numerous, spare crayons
- Class set, candy bars with segments
- Class set, sticker sheets
- Class set, colored pencils
- Student worksheets
- Elmo
- Teacher worksheet
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Announce that you will be giving each child a few of their "Favorite Things," including one deliciously mathematical one.

2. Have a student pass out crayon boxes to peers. Tell them not to open the box until the 'Okay' signal is given. Simultaneously, ask students to raise their hands if they know how to multiply already.

3. Once all students have a box, ask them if the box of crayons looks like a multiplication problem to them.

4. Tell them to look at a box more closely. Remember that multiplication is a short way of adding, and we can use it only when we have equal sets of numbers.

B. Development-

1.Pass out the student worksheet. Now model and have them count the number of rows, and the number of crayons in each row. (Ask: How many rows? Do we have equal numbers of crayons in each row? Can we make a multiplication problem for the box of crayons?) Guide them to fill in the first set of blanks on the worksheet for the box of crayons.

2. Model the written multiplication problem on the board. Have students copy the problem on their paper.

C. Practice-

1.Pass out the candy bars, and tell them not to break or eat them until the 'Okay' signal has been given.

2. Allow students to attempt the second activity in pairs, reminding them to examine the number of rows and the number of pieces in each row.

3. Have them record their answers on the worksheet, filling in all the spaces for the second problem. Remind them that the word problem is a question, and should end with a question mark.

4. Ask students to share their answers, first with their table, then with the class.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Allow the students to eat the candy as they work independently to model the multiplication problems for their sticker sheets and colored pencils.

2. Collect student work to be scored.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Students struggling with multiplication concepts can orally explain or demonstrate the concepts.

2. Advanced learners can extend their learning to work on mastering the commutative property. Early finishers will be asked to model each problem in another way (i.e., 8x3 & 3x8). the candy bar really 2 x 4 or 4 x 2?

This would make a great family homework project.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Independently completed problems (colored pencils & sticker sheets) will be graded for accuracy.

2. Students showing difficulty OR complete mastery will be presented with an accommodation.

G. Closure-

As homework, students will find 2 products at home that could illustrate multiplication, such as eggs or juice boxes. Students will complete the same worksheet for their discovered items.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)