1. Topic-
Use Data from a Picture
2. Content-
Net: a group of plane shapes (flat surfaces)when I fold them together will give me a solid figure

Roll:crease or roll

Data: Information
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students should be able to identify plane shapes and solid figures
2.Students should be able to differentiate between solid figures and plane shapes
4. Objectives-
1.Students should be able to identify the data from the net given to them
2. students should be able to use the data given to them in solving the problem
3.students should be able to construct a solid figure from the net given to them
5. Materials and Aids-
1. different number of net net models that I prepared using construction paper
2.Solid figures models that I prepared using construction paper
3- scissors
4- Papers
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. I'll review with the students the plane shapes and the solid figures on the board and review each solid figure could consist of which plane shapes
2.I'll ask one of the students to read the title for me
3.I'll ask him/ her if they can predict what the title is talking about?
4.I'll ask the class if they know the meaning of the word data? (information)
5. I'll explain that today's lesson is about finding information from a picture that is given to us to help us solve problem
5.I'll tell them that picture that we are using today is called a net
6. introduce the meaning of the word net
7. introduce the meaning of the word fold and give them examples i.e. folding a piece of paper or ask them what does a bird do with its wing?, but I'll emphasis that the word fold doesn't always mean crease it can also mean roll, and ill also roll a piece of paper in front of them

B. Development-

1.I'll bring out one of the net models and have children tell me what is this called? (A net)why? (because it consists of a group of plane shapes that when I fold together will give me a solid figure)
2.Ask them can any one tell me what are the plane shapes in this net? (4 triangles and 1square )
3. what solid figure consists of 1square and 4 triangles?
4. a rectangular prism
5. i'll fold the net that I prepared in-front of them and let them see how the solid figure is constructed
6. repeat steps 1-5 with different nets either by choosing one of the students to do one each time or by doing it myself

C. Practice-

1.Drawing on the board a net and have all students copy them on a piece of paper or in their math copybooks
2.repeat step 1 if needed

D. Independent Practice-

1. have students read the questions of textbook practice and illustrate what each question wants
2. have students solve the practice independently

G. Closure-

1.after all class has finished the practice independently I'll pick some students to stand in-front of the class and summarize what we took today
7. Evaluation-
1.students could solve problems on their own

2.students are able to form solid figures from a net

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)