1. Topic-
Mean, Median, and Mode
2. Content-
Students will learn the definitions of mean, median, mode, and data. Students will learn how to identify the mean, median, and mode is in various exercises and examples
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. 10.A.2b Using a data set, determine mean, median, mode and range, with and without the use of technology

2. 10.B.2c Analyze the data using mean, median, mode and range, as appropriate, with or without the use of technology

3. Also addresses 10.B.2a and 10.B.2b
4. Objectives-
The students will find the mean, median, and mode of a set of data
5. Materials and Aids-
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. I will begin by reviewing what students learned from the lesson before (6-7). I will display a word problem on the board and students will be instructed to use any problem-solving strategy to solve.

2. I will begin each lesson with a problem of the day. I will write it on the board and students are to complete it before each lesson.

B. Development-

I will model throughout the lesson by use of examples and explanation of the new information


C. Practice-

1. I will guide the students through the lesson beginning on page 279. I will read the opening paragraph and present each new vocabulary word as they appear

2. The mean, median, and mode will each be described

3. After reading the information in "Get Ready to Learn," students will begin working on example 1 with my guidance

D. Independent Practice-

1. After working example 1, students will move on to example 2 in their textbook. This example will show them how to find the median of the data

2. I will emphasize the importance of writing the numbers in order before finding the median and point out that the middle number will always have the same number of data values before and after it in the list. I will also point out that the median does not need to be part of the data set

3. I will then present them with two more examples in order to help them further in finding the median

4. Students will then move on to example 3 and we will go over it together. I will give them a hint at remembering what mode means. Mode=the number you see the Most. HINT: MOde...MOst

5. Students will now take out their whiteboards and complete exercises 1-7

6. We will then move on to page 281 and do example problems from what is given

7. After completing all practice questions, I will assess the students by asking various questions relating to what we covered

8. Students will be given a worksheet to complete for homework

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. LD students will have their homework sheets read to them and will be allowed extra time or help to complete them

F. Checking for understanding-

1. I will check for understanding throughout the lesson through the answers students give to my questions

2. I will also check for understanding through the answers they display on their whiteboards

3. I will assess the students before passing out homework sheets by asking them various questions relating to what we covered

G. Closure-

Students will be given a worksheet to complete as homework
7. Evaluation-
1. Students will be informally evaluated throughout the lesson through the answers they give to my questions and through their participation

2. Students will be formally evaluated on their homework assignment

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)