Grade: First
Subject: Flexible Thinking
Flexible Thinking
Pretzel Brain
How to be a flexible thinker

Expected Outcome Of This Lesson Plan-
1.Differentiate flexible vs inflexible
2.Understand we use our brains to think
3.Our thoughts can make a difference in how we act
4. Private vs public thoughts
Teacher Objectives-
1. When given examples, student will identify flexible vs inflexible thoughts
2. Student will identify organ where thought occurs and
3. Student will demonstrate how actions and words allow others to know what we are thinking
Squishy brain
Items with varying degrees of flexibility
Body map
Teaching Methods-

1. Lesson Introduction-

1.Pretzel exercise
2.Compare flexibility of various students
3.Distribute brain squishy

2. Lesson Progression-

1.Students will all attempt to make themselves as much like a twisted pretzel as possible(actual pretzels used for snack time)
2.Create graph of degrees of flexibility items
3. Show flexible brain to introduce flexibility concept

3. Guided Practice-

1.Graph flexibility of class members
2.Flexibility cartoons
3.Various objects

4. Student Practice-

1. Small group activity - scavenger hunt to find flexible items
2. Body mapping activity
3. Rewriting flexibility cartoon (computer program)

5. Learner Accommodations-

1.Scribe for student
2.Concrete items vs worksheet
3.Use of visuals, timer and schedule
4.Computer assisted instruction and activities

6. Assessment-

1.Given a group of items, student will sort as flexible or inflexible
2.Student will identify organ where thought occurs

7. Lesson Closure-

1.Display body mapping and charts
2. Take home - find one flexible thing at home
Measuring Student Progress-
Homework assignment to identify which images are flexible.

This Lesson Plan is available at (