Grade: 1st - 2nd grade
Subject: Fire Safety
"Stop, Drop,and Roll!"
I will read Stop, drop and Roll by Margery Cuyler. Then, I will give each student the opportunity to demonstrate how to to properly Stop, Drop, and Roll in case they are on fire from what the were read.

Expected Outcome Of This Lesson Plan-
1.Talk about Fire Safety.
2.How to respond to a fire?
3.How let out a fire that on them?
Teacher Objectives-
Each student will learn how to properly "Stop, Drop, and Roll," in case they are on fire.
The book "Stop, Drop, and Roll by Margery Cuyler and some red paint tape.
Teaching Methods-

1. Lesson Introduction-

1.Talk about the importance of Fire Safety.
2.What to do if you have a fire?
3.Let them know who to call in case of a fire.

2. Lesson Progression-

If they are caught on fire how to act safely/ calmly.

3. Guided Practice-

"Stop, Drop, and Roll" activity

4. Student Practice-

A coloring sheet showing the proper way to stop drop and roll.Also on the coloring Sheet they will need to connect each step in the right order.

5. Learner Accommodations-

If a student does not want to participate in the acting activity, he or she can write the steps down in the correct order.

6. Assessment-

Each student will be asked to tell me what they learned today and did not like about today in a group discussion.

7. Lesson Closure-

1.I will comment on their responses to todays activities.
2.Reiterate the importance of knowing how to "Stop, Drop, and Roll in case they are on fire.
Measuring Student Progress-
Towards the end of the school year I will ask if any of the students remember how to "Stop, drop, and Roll" and if they told a friend or their parents how to do so as well.

This Lesson Plan is available at (