1. Topic-
Music notation
2. Content-
Creative expression/performance. The student reads and writes music notation.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.sight-read simple music in treble and/or other clefs in various keys and meters;
2.use standard symbols to notate meter, rhythm, pitch, and dynamics (manuscript or computer-generated); and
3.identify music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation and interpret them appropriately when performing.
4. Objectives-
1. know the purpose of a staff, bar lines, and measures
2. distinguish the difference between treble and bass clef
3. learn the purpose of the grand staff
4. begin to read notes in treble or bass clef based on their instrument
5.learn about beats and note values, such as whole notes, half notes, and quarter notes
6. learn about 4/4 time
7. gain a basic knowledge on different tempos such as allegro, moderato, andante, and adagio
8. learn about dynamics such as piano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, and forte
5. Materials and Aids-
Standards of Excellence Book 1
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Music notation is important so that it can be passed down through time and history
2.Without it how would you know to play a piece
3.Today we will learn about the different aspects of reading music

B. Development-

1.Staff helps measure the distance between notes
2.There are five lines on the staff
3. The are two different clefs, the treble and bass
4. treble means high and bass means low
5. High playing instruments like the flute play treble clef, and low instruments like the tuba play in bass clef
6. the lines and spaces on the staff are numbered from the bottom up (demonstrate by pointing to a staff)
7. to read notes of the lines on a treble clef staff are E, G, B, D, and F (from the bottom) up
8. and the spaces are F, A, C, and E
9. a trick to remember the notes on the line is Every, Good, Boy, Does, Fine, Always
10. and the spaces spell FACE
11. to read bass clef the lines are Good, Boys, Do, Fine, Always (G, B, D, F, and A)
12. and the spaces are All, Cars, Eat, Gas (A, C, E, and G)
13. *show what a grand staff looks like
14. the grand staff is the full complete staff that instruments like the piano play on because they have a wider range, choral music is also written on the grand staff
15. next aspect of reading music is the length of notes or the duration/time of which they are played for
16. a whole note gets four beats (show whole note)
17. a half note get two beats which is half of a whole note (show half note)
18. a quarter note gets one beat which is also half of a half note
19. when you play a piece of music there is a time signature at the beginning of the piece that tells you how many beat/pulses there are in a measure, which are divided by bar lines, and what note gets the beat
20. in 4/4 time the top number tells you that there are four beats per measure and the bottom note tells you that a quarter note gets the beat
21. another aspect of music is how fast the beats/pulses are which is called a tempo marking
22. different tempo markings are allegro (fast), moderato (moderately), andante (walking speed), and adagio (slow)
23.another aspect is the different volumes that notes are played at are called dynamic markings
24. piano (soft) and forte (loud)
25. mezzo (middle) piano (soft) is louder than piano but softer than mezzo (middle) forte (loud)
26. mezzo forte is softer than forte

C. Practice-

1. demonstrate how to read notes
2. teach how to count different note lengths in 4/4 time
3.demonstrate different music speeds
4. demonstrate the different dynamics that the instrument can achieve

D. Independent Practice-

1.have students read notes off of flash cards
2.have student play different note lengths on instrument
3.have them play quarter notes at different tempos
4. have students play and count at different dynamic markings

E. Checking for understanding-

1.Read notes
2. Read rhythms
3.Tempo markings
4. dynamic markings

F. Closure-

1.staff, bar line, and measures
2. Treble
3. Every Good Boy Does Fine, Face
4. Bass
5. Good Boys Do Fine Always, All Cars Eat Gas
6. Whole, half, and quarter notes
7. Allegro, Moderato, Andante, Adagio
8. Piano, Mezzo Piano, Mezzo Forte, and Forte
7. Evaluation-
1.Make sure they can read pitches
2.know note duration
3. speed of notes
4. and note volume

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