1. Topic-
Demonstrate slow and fast tempo through the beat and movement of a Tambourine.
2. Content-
The subject matter is Music, tempo, identifying rests in music and allowing the children to make their own Tambourines.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.The aim is for the learner to be free to experiment with the Tambourine as a musical instrument.
2.Encourage group participation.
3.Understand the change of tempo of the music and the rests between each verse of the song.
4.Identify fast and slow tempo music and adjust their tambourines to suit the change in tempo.
4. Objectives-
1.Demonstrate slow and fast tempo through movement.
2 Identify and imitate slow and fast tempo through the songs that are being played.
3 Understand the changes to the music beat when the tempo changes, understand rests in the beats (within this activity children will count the notes, in the form of noises, beats and pauses in the music).
4 Recognise the tempo changes and discuss why they changed their style of beat on the tambourine.
5. Materials and Aids-
1 Homemade Tambourines (children will look at the Tambourine and make their own one in class) Task- Making their own Tambourine- children will use paper plates, glue, hold puncher, bottle caps or bells, wool, tape and color paint.
2 variety of real tambourines- ranging in size and shape.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Get the children to make their home-aid instruments ( see material notes)
2 students to sit in a circle facing each other
3 Get the children to hold up their own tambourine.
4 The teacher is to start the children off by using the real tambourine, beating to the fast and show songs.
5 Each student is to start beating to the music that is being played.
6 Some students can elect to dance to the beat of the students playing, changing tempo of the music and their dance.

B. Development-

1 The student is expected to beat the tambourine for as long as the tempo and music verse is playing.
2 The student will change tempo of playing as the songs change from fast tempo to slow tempo.
3 The teacher will begin to pause the music to show the students rests in the music, then will play the music again to see if they understand the rests and tempo playing.


C. Practice-

1 Teacher will play the first song, hot potato, by the wiggles, while the students listen. After the song has played, ask the students to identify the music as fast pace or slow? Then, ask the students to answer the question of whether the song has rests in the music�� Teacher will then play the second song, incy wincy spider, while the students listen carefully. After the teachers will ask the students the question of whether the song had a slow or fast tempo.
2 Once the students can identify the fast and slow temp songs they will then begin to beat the tambourine to the beat of the song.
3 Students will work in pairs to identify the rests/breaks in the songs and will then be given opportunity to express their own musical beats.

D. Independent Practice-

1 Student can get out their home-aid tambourines
Assign three individual groups.
2 Once every child has an individual instrument, including the tambourines, the teacher will then direct group 1 to imitate the slow tempo from the song and match its pace. Once group 1 have successfully completed this task the teacher can then add group 2.
3 Once step 2 is completed, bring all the students together to explain their role and how tempo, rests in music changes how they play.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Now, pass out the home-aid tambourines to each student. Assign two groups: group #1 and group #2. Once every child has an instrument, the teacher will then direct group #1 to imitate his or her slow speed of tempo, matching the song Lullaby. Once group #1 has successfully completed this task, teacher can then add group #2. (Note: Time Signature is "7. Teacher will then play the first song, Lullaby, while the students imitate the slow tempo of the song under the direction of the teacher."

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Do the children understand the different tempos?
2. Can they mimic the tempo of both the fast and slow pace songs.
3. Can the children use rests between verses to listen for the tempo of the next verse?

G. Closure-

The idea of this exercise is to get the children to understand about music, tempo, rests and interpret this as individuals. Ask the students if they understand the music tempo changes in the songs?
Ask for feedback from the students and encourage them to listen to music in the car or at home and identify to mum and dad what tempo the music is.
7. Evaluation-
1.See if the students can effectively perform the tempo of You're a Grand Old Flag with minor direction from the teacher of what to do and when to do it. Experiment with musical effects created by performing the song at different tempos (slow, medium, and fast).

This Lesson Plan is available at (