1. Topic-
2. Content-
Learning about some of the important elements of your voice.
Vocal Cords (vocal folds)
Throat |
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will learn about 3 main parts of the vocal instrument.
Power source (lungs, diaphragm), Vibration (vocal cords), Resonance
(mouth, nose).
2. Students are able to identify some parts of the body that help
you create sound. (Diaphragm, vocal cords, lungs, mouth, nose)
3. Students will understand how each part functions to create sound. |
4. Objectives-
1. Students will use their voices to create sound.
2. Students will create a visual aid to diagram the various parts
of the vocal instrument.
3. Students will be informed on the upcoming unit. |
5. Materials and Aids-
Unit overviews, Body diagram, copies of various body parts for each
student (vocal cords, lungs, diaphragm, mouth, nose), glue sticks,
tables, projector, laptop. YouTube videos of diaphragm and vocal cords. |
6. Procedures/Methods-
A. Introduction-
1. Attendance
2. Agenda review
3. Review Commitments
4. Sound Symphony (warm-up)
-Students are organized into 4 groups of 6-7 and are tasked with creating
a sound to represent their group.
-Teacher instructs each group to make their sound as a conductor would
an orchestra.
-Debrief game
5. Breathe
-Students take some collective breaths to refocus and transition.
B. Development-
1. Circle up, pass out unit overview
2. Review unit orally
3. Explain activity
-Vocal instrument is broken up into 3 main parts: Power Source, Vibration,
C. Practice-
1. Tables are setup with packets that include images of various
parts of the voice: diaphragm, lungs, vocal cords, nose, mouth.
There is also vocabulary of what each image is separate from the image.
2. Students will be asked to identify which word goes with each image.
3. Students will also try to put the images in the correct spot on
their body diagram.
4. Student will then be asked to label which of the 3 main parts of
the vocal instrument these images are a part of (power, vibration,
or resonance) |
D. Independent Practice-
1. Student will work in small groups at each table to label and
put everything together in its proper place.
2. They are encouraged to work together to find out where each image
goes and what it is a part of.
3. The will use glue sticks to put the images on their own body diagram. |
E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
1. Students will be instructed both orally and given visual examples
of the activities.
2. Student will create their own visual aid.
3. Students will be allowed to move about the room.
4. Students will be able to work together in small groups. |
F. Checking for understanding-
1. Following the activity the teacher will review each part of the
body diagram and where each body part falls.
2. We will debrief the activity and it's importance for our unit.
3. |
G. Closure-
1. Circle up
2. Breathe
-Students take some collective breaths to refocus and transition. |