Subject: Communication Skills
1. Topic-
Basic Forms in Volleyball
2. Content-
Proper form for passing, proper form for setting, if time proper passing for serving/diving, some history of volleyball
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. To know what the proper form for bumping/passing is in volleyball
2. To know what setting is and what the proper form for setting is in volleyball
3. To be able to pass and/or set in volleyball
4. Objectives-
1. Demonstrate the proper form of passing
2. Demonstrate the proper form of setting
3. Teach when to pass and when to set/ a little bit of the history of volleyball
5. Materials and Aids-
Volleyball, kneepads, volleyball sneakers, athletic clothing
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. "Volleyball" was first known as mintonette, a sport that was a mixture between tennis, handball, and a little bit of basketball
It was originally designed for older people so that they could get some exercise as well. It spread to other places quickly. It has become a sport in the Summer Olympic Games in 1964. Volleyball has now become popularized all over the world. Volleyball has been around in my life for some time because all my friends played it, and every Indian person I knew had at least tried it once.

B. Development-

Like any other sport, volleyball requires an athletic stance to begin with. You bend down, kind of like you are in a squat. Feet should be shoulder-width apart. However make sure that you're not sticking out your butt and that your back is straight not bent. Now ideally you want to be low enough that your outstretched hand can touch the floor, but you don't have to. Just remember to stay down low. Your hands should not be resting on your knees. Your arms should be outstretched horizontally, hands apart and facing each other. This is so that you can either set or pass as needed.

C. Practice-

Now who wants to volunteer how to pass a volleyball? Okay, so I'm going to toss the ball to you and I want you to pass it to me. The part where you want the ball to make contact with your body is your forearm. Now when you do make contact with the ball you want your forearm to lay flat because the ball will only go where you want it to when it bounces off a flat surface. Your hands should come together. The left hand should be on top of the right hand and thumbs together. Then you just reach for the ground with your hands outstretched horizontally. When you make contact with the ball you don't swing, that sends the ball flying. You get the power behind the pass from your legs, you move up with your legs.

D. Independent Practice-

Now the second type of sending the ball to a person is setting. Setting is only used for passes that are going over your head. Do not set from the middle of your body or down low. What you want to do for setting is stand up straight from the previous pose I taught you.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

You bring your hands on top of your head and make a triangle on top of your forehead. Your thumbs are the bottom of the triangle and the rest of the fingers make the slopes. When you get the ball you want a slight sort of "catch" and then push out. Don't actually catch the ball just touch it and push out. MAKE SURE THAT YOUR THUMBS ARE NOT STICKING OUT! They will get jammed, and that is not a pleasant feeling.

F. Checking for understanding-

Now who wants to try and set? Alright I'll send a high toss to you and you can set. Now who wants to try choosing between setting or passing? I will toss the ball to you at a random height and you can decide whether setting or passing is the right way to go.

G. Closure-

So now you know how to pass and set a volleyball. It's fairly simple and you just need practice to achieve ball control. It's a great social sport and you go to the beach and whip out your skills on the court.

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