1. Topic-
Follow the Leader
2. Content-
Invite children to join you in a large, open space in the classroom or outdoors. Turn on the music, and encourage children to follow you as you move around. After several minutes, explain that you will pick someone to make their own movement up that everyone will have to follow.
They will have to describe each motion as they move around the space. Given them some example of: Now march forward. Jump up and down.
Periodically stop the music and have children switch places with other children. Follow their motions and encourage them to name each move as they do it. Which way are we going now? How are we going to get there?
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.How does he follow the directions of the activity?
2.What movements does they create for everyone to follow
3.How does this child move his body throughout the space?
4. Objectives-
1.Demonstrates traveling skills
Standard 9: Motor Skill Performance Essential Question: What different ways can the body move given a specific purpose? Curricular Outcome: Students will demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
P.9.2. Demonstrate the ability to stop and start on a signal; combine sequences of several motor skills in an organized way; and move through an environment with body control

2.Follows directions
Standard 10 Demonstrate understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities
Content Standard 5: Communication Skill
P.5.6. Demonstrate the ability to listen and speak in turn
3.Demonstrates balancing skills
Content Standard 9: Motor Skill Performance
.9.1. Demonstrate coordination in gross motor and fine motor tasks using control, balance, strength and coordination; and demonstrate progress toward the mature form of selected fundamental motor skills
5. Materials and Aids-

- portable tape or CD player
- music
- space in which to move around
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Children like to play games in which they have a turn to be the leader. This activity gives children the opportunity to follow directions and to take the lead while moving in different ways and exercising their large muscles.

B. Development-

3.Gallops and skips

C. Practice-

working together

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.For CK who is an IEP due to blindness. Will have some one with her to help them move around and know what is needed to do.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Asking open ended question to see if they grasp what is being ask of them.
2. observation of their movement.
3.keeping record of each child to see if they meet or need improvement in skills.

G. Closure-

Making sure everyone had a chance to be the leader.
7. Evaluation-
1. keeping a record of each standard and each child next to them so make sure they are reaching what they need.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Children seem to grasp what is being ask of them. They seem to enjoy what the activity and voice they would want to continue playing another time.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)