Subject: Educational Plan of Care
1. Topic-
Home Exercise Program (HEP): Shoulder
2. Content-
Shoulder: 6 motions for strengthening
flexion: forward
extension: backward
abduction: away from the side
adduction: toward the side
external rotation: away from the stomach (bent elbow)
internal rotation: toward the stomach (bent elbow)
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Cognitive: The patient will recall the 6 motions of the shoulder prior to administration of initial HEP.
2. Affective: The patient will be compliant with HEP
3. Psychomotor: The patient will demonstrate final HEP without verbal cuing
4. Objectives-
1. Pass quiz, 100%
2. Complete VAS, 1x/wk to determine compliance with HEP
3. Independence with demonstration of final HEP
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Verbal educational/lecture provided to patient to generate knowledge of shoulder motions
2. Written quiz (matching) created for patient to complete
3. Handouts with VAS scale for compliance created for patient to complete
4. Handouts created for illustration of HEP.
5. Internet/video if further visual education and demonstration is necessary and patient has assess to computer
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Prior to determining effectiveness and methods chosen for this program, the therapist must initially focus on differentiating the type of learner the patient is. Utilizing the VAK (Multiple Intelligences) learning style assessment will assist with the overall approach along with incorporating the Transtheoretical Model of Change. Determining whether a patient is a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner will help mold the specific uses of the material. Determining the stage of change will also be very beneficial to predict outcomes and amount of effort that may be required for the patient to implement a permanent change for their rehab process.

B. Development-

1. Verbal explanation/lecture will be conducted to provide patient with knowledge on shoulder motion.
2. Illustrations created and provided to visually show the 6 motions of the shoulder
3. Demonstration of motions will be provided so patient can observe and mimic
4. VAS and knowledge quiz created for patient to complete


C. Practice-

In each physical therapy session the patient can practice shoulder motions with verbal cuing, demonstration and illustration as needed.

D. Independent Practice-

The patient will be assigned initial HEP to practice 2 motions at a time until able to recall/demonstrate all 6 at once.


E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Video demonstration/education recommended if necessary (i.e. Youtube)

F. Checking for understanding-

Patient will demonstrate ability to perform HEP without cuing. VAS provided weekly for patient to record compliance, including difficulty, motivation, desire to complete HEP.

G. Closure-

Patient will be provided with final HEP and discharged from physical therapy at time of demonstrating final HEP without verbal cuing.
7. Evaluation-
1. 100% on quiz
2. no - low difficulty and high compliance with completion of HEP recorded on VAS 1x/wk (measuring adherence)
3. no verbal cuing required with final HEP
8. Teacher Reflection-
Follow-up with patient within 1 month to determine effectiveness of educational plan of care

This Lesson Plan is available at (