1. Topic-
Jews and Judo - Sports and the Jewish culture
2. Content-
What's the Jewish position on violence? Why is Judo such a popular sport in Israel?
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Understand history of Judo
2.History of Israel in the Olympics (can talk about Munich if you have time)
3.Predicting next popular sport in Israel? is it sports that Israelis win medals in or is it sports that reflect Jewish values?
4. Objectives-
1.List the history of judo
2.List medals won by Israel
3.what are Jewish values around competition, or about violence.
5. Materials and Aids-
Cell phones to do Internet research. Paper to write on and pens to write with.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.What do you think is the quintessential Jewish sport? What do you think is the most popular in Israel?
2.have you ever partaken in judo or karate? tell us about your experience.

B. Development-

1.Based on hayleys experience of growing up as a Jew, does judo feel like it fits with Jewish norms? what about other religions would they be more against judo or violent competitions?
2.Have them find some judo moves on youtube on their phone. Have them practice the moves carefully.

C. Practice-

1.Research about judo and also Israel in Olympics
2.Read with a partner about Jewish values around violence
3.have them start making a commercial for the next popular sport in Israel and giving the reasons behind it.

D. Independent Practice-

1.there will be a timeline on the whiteboard, have each student put a notch on it and talk about a moment in judo history or Israeli Olympic history
2.show us some judo moves!

G. Closure-

1.Present commercial (groups of 3) for next popular sport, or sports store that sells stuff for that sport, or sports location that has that sport.. to the class
2.Have each student ask a question after each commercial presented about how this new sports falls in line with Jewish views on violence
7. Evaluation-
1.Funny and informative commercial for next big sport
2.Synthesizing ethics of judo with values of Judaism

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)