1. Topic-
Origins of Christianity
2. Content-
Jesus of Nazareth
Saint Paul
Old Testament
New Testament
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Being able to have a better understanding of Christianity and what is
2. Knowing how Christianity started and who created it
3.Understanding what the origins of Christianity and the whole lesson is about
4. Objectives-
* students will be able to clearly know and explain the subject in a concise manner understanding the concept and where it came from.
5. Materials and Aids-
Paper & Pencil
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Christianity began in the 1st century A.D. Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ

B. Development-

Origins of Christianity

*Christianity began with Jewish followers of Jesus of Nazareth. They believed that Jesus was the "Christ," the savior that the Jewish prophecies said would come to Earth.

*Jesus taught that everyone must repent of, or be sorry for, doing wrong things and start doing things that are pleasing to God. Jesus also taught his followers that they should spread this teaching to everyone they meet.

*Jesus was hanged on a cross and killed for claiming to be the son of God, but Christians believe that Jesus came back from the dead and rose into heaven.
Under the leadership of apostles like Peter and Paul, Christianity gradually separated from Judaism. Saint Paul did not meet Jesus during Jesus' lifetime, but he claimed that Jesus later came to him in a vision. Paul wrote much of the Christian New Testament. He is also famous for preaching Jesus' message to the Gentiles, the people who were not Jews. Paul taught that the God of Abraham is for all people, both Jews and Gentiles, instead of for Jews only.


C. Practice-

Christian Beliefs
Here are some things that Christianity teaches:

*There is only one God. This belief is called monotheism.
Jesus of Nazareth is the son of God, and he is also God himself.
*Jesus is the Messiah, or Christ, who is king of the Jews.
*Jesus brought salvation to all people when he died on a cross.
*To be saved, a person must believe in Jesus and follow his teachings.


D. Independent Practice-

The Bible
*Christianity teaches that the Bible is the word of God. It is made of two parts:

*The Old Testament: the books of the Hebrew Bible, which Christians also believe to be inspired by God.

*The New Testament: books that describe Jesus' life and early Christianity. The New Testament is made of 27 books including four Gospel books, a book called Acts of the Apostles, 21 epistles (letters), and a book called Revelation.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Christianity in the Roman Empire

*The Roman Empire controlled the land of Israel when Jesus lived and taught. Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor who allowed Jesus to be killed by Roman soldiers.
During the first three centuries of Christianity, Roman emperors persecuted Christians as a part of the persecution of Jews. In 64 A.D., Emperor Nero blamed Christians for the great fire that broke out in Rome. Many forms of execution were used, including murder, crucifixion, and feeding of Christians to lions and other wild beasts.
These persecutions actually made Christianity stronger because people were inspired by the Christians' bravery and faith. Christianity continued to spread throughout the Roman Empire, as Christians tried to move farther from Rome to spread their beliefs and escape death in Rome.
Christianity became an officially supported religion under Emperor Constantine I in 313 A.D. The religion continued to grow, and all religions except Christianity were prohibited in 391 A.D.

The Reformation

The Reformation was a movement during the 16th century that tried to reform the Roman Catholic Church. Martin Luther was a major figure in starting the Reformation. Luther challenged many teachings of the Church and was instrumental in sparking a debate that led to the development of the Protestants. The Reformation eventually led to the establishment of Protestant religions in Western Europe.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Do you know how Christianity started?
2.Who Created Christianity?
Most importantly what are the origins of Christianity

G. Closure-

Origins of Christianity is basically a brief understanding about what Christianity is all about and who were some of the figures involved in it like Jesus of Nazareth. Still today Christianity does still exist and is one of the biggest religions in the whole world
7. Evaluation-
Does the student understand the lesson and will he be able to known what it"s about.

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