1. Topic-
Snake on the Pole
2. Content-
God is faithful to His covenant people and hears their prayers.
God is faithful to us and wants us to turn to Him in prayer.
Vocab words to learn: rely, reject, rescue
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
We are sinful people. Just as the Israelites were in the Old Testament, so we are current day. As we read through the story and see the need for the snake on the pole, students will see their need for a Savior on a cross. As we see our need for Him, we will also learn how He provides for us every day.

Technology Standards
3-5.RI.2. use digital tools to find, organize, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information
3-5.TC.1. use basic input and output devices (e.g., printers, scanners, digital cameras, video recorders, projectors)
3-5.TC.4. demonstrate proper care in the use of computer hardware, software, peripherals, and storage media
4. Objectives-
Students will be able to:
1. Recognize our failure to trust in God for daily bread.
2. Identify what is meant by daily bread.
3. Rejoice that God invites us to pray and has promised to hear us.
4. Dedicate our lives in service to God, who loves us unconditionally.
5. Use Smartboard properly, remembering to take turns and take care in using only provided materials.
5. Materials and Aids-
Religion workbook, Bible, Smartboard, document camera, iPad
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Discuss what is needed to sustain us daily.
2. What is meant by daily bread?
3. Create a list of things we think we need daily in order to survive.

B. Development-

1. We will create a list on the board of things we need daily.
2. We will discuss and narrow down our list to things we truly need, not just want.
3. Identify where these gifts come from (not ourselves).

C. Practice-

1. We will look up the story in our Bibles and follow along as the Bible app on the iPad reads the verses for us. This helps us with tougher words and names.
2. We will then complete our first workbook page learning the story of the snake on the pole.
3. We will look up our vocab words to discuss and write down.

D. Independent Practice-

1. In pairs, students will complete the second workbook page where they must identify what is meant by daily bread.
2. They will review the fourth petition that they've had for memory work which will help them.
3. Answers will be checked when everyone is done.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. The iPad is used to listen to our story to help us with tougher words and names in the Old Testament.
2. Students will be paired specifically with others who can help them best.
3. Answers will be reviewed together to better help those who need more help understanding.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Once pairs have completed the workbook page, it will be displayed on the Smartboard using the document camera.
2. Students will have the opportunity to complete the task together, checking to see if their answers match.
3. Discussion will take place about why an answer is correct or incorrect.

G. Closure-

1. We will complete the end of the workbook page.
2. Students must wrap up the lesson by taking time to personally think about specific ways that they need Jesus to help us with daily bread.
7. Evaluation-
1. I will check their workbook to see if answers were filled out and corrections made.
2. A review of each story will take place at the end of the unit.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)