Subject: Life In Jesus Christ
1. Topic-
The Sources of Morality, Humans Are Made In the Divine Image, Natural Law
2. Content-
Understanding the Concept of human dignity in light of Catholic Morality.

Delve into Natural Law, viewing what the Church, Christian Theologians, philosophers, and Divine Revelation tell us about the "law written on our hearts."

The object/ (moral) act
The intention (motive) of the act
The circumstances of the act
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Grow in depth of knowledge of the source of morality.
2.Analyze different examples of moral qualifiers in different acts, intentions, and circumstances.
3.Establish that the Church is merely the teacher of morality, not the inventor of subjective ethics.
4. Understand human's place in the creation.
5.Understand God's place in creation.
6.Appreciate the goodness of creation.
7 1.Understand: What is natural Law?
8. Analyze reasons for thinking there is a natural law
9.What is natural law comprised of?
4. Objectives-
1.Identify three sources of a moral act: the object, the intention, and the circumstances.
2.Know that a morally good act requires the goodness of all three: the object, the intention, the circumstances.
3. Review the definition of Morality
4. Intro to STOP sign of Morality.
5. Humans are the "subduers" of God's creation.
6.Genesis teaching on ontological goodness.
7. Natural Law-- the light of understanding that God placed in us at creation. What human reason can discover about human nature and its moral duties independent of God's revelation
8.Law of Fair Play-- CS Lewis
9.Natural Law is comprised of 3 main aspects of human drives & needs: 1) preserve life 2)develop as individuals & communities 3)sharing life with others
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Chalkboard
2. Chalk
3. Print-out of HW Assignment
4. Projector to plug into Laptop
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Recall definition of Morality
2.Quickly break down morality's definition...
3.Segway into how to we discern what is/ is not moral.
4. Begin "In the Beginning"... with Genesis...
5. Read Genesis account around the room from Gen 1:1- 2:1-7
6.What does the term Genesis come from?...

B. Development-

1.Act- the most important, objective, what is being done?
2.Intention- Subjective, why?
3.Relative, who/ where/when?, not always important, Ron Artest Rule
4. What are five main insights into Genesis?
a.God is creator
b.God states creation is "good"
c.Humans are climax of God's creation
d.There is a blessedness of leisure/rest.
e. Humans have responsibilities toward God and God's creation
5.What are the responsibilities toward God and His creation?
a.Be fertile and multiply
b.Fill the earth
c.Subdue the earth
6.God created things to be "good." What does this mean?
a.First, understand this goodness is ontological (by nature/virtue of creation itself). To understand ontological, we ask "what makes a bird a bird? What makes a fish a fish? What makes a human a human?" From that, we draw that there are certain essential (meaning in-bred) differences between humans, fish, and birds.
b.Because this goodness is ontological, it matters not if you act good, you are good by nature. Bring in Santa example, "little boy, are you good?" "yes"
c. Because we are made in God's image, and God is the fullness and perfection of goodness, thus our nature (naturalis, "by birth") is to be good and perfect

Ask class: what is natural law?... most will say something like, "common sense" or something that everyone ought to know.
1.POP QUIZ... but then obviously grade it "unfairly" in class, right in front of the students. This will demonstrate that each student has an "inbred" sense of what is fair, or not.
2.Hand out MERE Christianity... with Questions! due at the end of the week.

C. Practice-

1.Definition worksheet
2.In class discussion
3.Collect worksheet as HW

D. Independent Practice-

1.Read very small excerpt about Aquinas & his view of goodness
2.HW Sheet
3.Question sheet due in 2 days on Aquinas reading
4. CS Lewis handout on Ch. 1 of Mere Christianity
5.Write 2 page paper due in 1 week on first Chapter of CS Lewis's Mere Christianity. Details will be given.
6.Study for test with handout

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-


F. Checking for understanding-

1.Homework Worksheet
2.Homework Questions from Book pg 75 3-5. All. Use Complete Sentences.
3.Pop Quizzes

G. Closure-

1.Use cliff-hanger of STOP sign of morality.
2.Make Certain to give them homework BEFORE the bell!
3. We will talk about obligation for respecting God's will in next class.
4. End with CS Lewis, then talk about how there seems an inherent, essential understanding of law within us.
5.Segway into an intro of Catholic view of Morality
7. Evaluation-
Include topics on exam.

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