Subject: Library Science
1. Topic-
Library Map
2. Content-
Students will receive a "blank" map outlining the library furniture, and color-code the different areas based on the types of books or resources found in those areas.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will recognize that the library consists of many different areas based on the types of resources.
4. Objectives-
1.Students will be able to identify the area based on the type of resource stored there (biographies, fiction, nonfiction, reference, etc.) or the purpose for that area (new book display, circulation desk, etc.)
5. Materials and Aids-
Computer, LCD projector, Mimio device (optional)
blank Library Map worksheets
colored pencils
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Discuss the need for students to be familiar with the library (common vocabulary between staff and students, finding resources not just in 6th grade, but all year, using libraries in the future, such as high school, public or college libraries)

B. Development-

1. Give students blank maps and colored pencils. They may work in partners (usually works best, depending on group) or individually.
2. Display map on LCD projector and have students orient themselves (ask them to put an X or circle their seat, then check for understanding and rotate map or point out landmarks as necessary.)
3. Fill in map KEY with different colors so that the students are all coloring the same areas with the same color coding. Use Mimio to color code class map, use colored pencils for students to code their own map. Discuss what the different areas mean (fiction vs nonfiction) if necessary.

C. Practice-

1. Students use clipboards and colored pencils to move around library and complete map with partner. Circulate among groups to answer questions and keep students on task.
2. Students come back to classroom seats and take turns using the Mimio to complete the class map as a group. If students need to change colors on their own map, they may need a new map to get everything correct. Emphasis on correct map is important, so that their foundation for the rest of the class is solid.

Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Students may be paired high/low to help lower students succeed.
2. Map may be enlarged or modified to make it easier to use.
3. Colored pieces of construction paper may be placed in holders at each major section of the physical library to give "clues" as to what color should be on the map.

Checking for understanding-

1. Did students complete the map accurately?
2. Did students ask for help and/or explanation of terms when needed?
3. Did students turn in completed map for credit?


1. Discuss why it is useful to know each section - what could the atlas stand be used for, what could the fiction section be used for?
2. Discuss importance of keeping the books/bookshelves/furniture need and in the proper place to help other find resources as well.
7. Evaluation-
1. Students completed the map with 100% accuracy and map is neat and easy to read.
2. Students successfully worked in groups (each member contributing equally, no fighting, bossing or excessive copying).

This Lesson Plan is available at (