Grade: 8th
Subject: Physical Science
Changes in States of Matter
8.3.d Students know the states of matter depend on molecular motion.
8.5.d Students know phyiscal processes include freezing and boiling, in which a material changes form with no chemical reaction

Expected Outcome Of This Lesson Plan-
1. I can explain what happens when matter changes from a gas to a liquid.
2. I can explain what happens when matter changes from a solid to a gas.
Teacher Objectives-
1. Students will actively participate in review and discussions.
2. Students will follow procedures for taking Cornell Notes.
3. Students will adhere to proper Zone noise levels.
Overhead, dry ice, cooler, chocolate pieces, Cornell notes transparencies, boiling water, cold soda can, frozen Capri-Sun & unfrozen Capri-Sun, Davis dollars, summary sheets for each student
Teaching Methods-

1. Lesson Introduction-

1. Warm-up to review (5) types of changes of matter.
2. Teacher will hold up an example (i.e. piece of dry ice) and students will draw a simple picture, name the type of change of state, note if heat is added or removed, and the type of particle movement (fast or slow).

2. Lesson Progression-

1. Review previous Cornell Notes' "I Can" learning goal with students. Distribute Davis dollars for correct answers.
2. Students add new learning goal on new Cornell Notes page:
"I can explain what happens when matter changes from *gas to liquid and *solid to gas"

3. Guided Practice-

1. Present main ideas via overhead to be copied down by students.
2. Teacher will walk around the room to monitor that all students are taking notes.
3. Teacher will ask if anyone needs further explanation.

4. Student Practice-

1. Students will fill in summary sentence frames to show what they have learned. They will have time in class to fill this in on their own or with their table group.

5. Learner Accommodations-

1. While students are working independently, teacher will walk around the room to monitor who needs further scaffolding with sentence frames. (However, students have used these sentence frames before and may not need as much help.)

6. Assessment-

1. Students will share aloud their summary paragraphs and teacher will distribute candy for well-written ones. Teacher will also listen for misinformation and correct it with the help of another student "expert".

7. Lesson Closure-

1. Summary-sharing also acts as a closure for this lesson.
2. Watch a clip of Bill Nye's PHASES OF MATTER DVD.
Measuring Student Progress-
1. Teacher will review what students have written for the warm-ups to determine what needs to be retaught.
2. Teacher will read summaries written by focal students to informally assess learning.

This Lesson Plan is available at (