1. Topic-
3.3 Earth & Space Sciences
S4.A.3 Systems, models & patterns
S4.D.3 Composition of the Universe
2. Content-
3.3.4.B1 Identify planets in our solar system and their basic characteristics.
Describe the earth's place in the solar system that includes the sun (a star), planets, and many moons. Recognize that the universe contains many billions of galaxies and that each galaxy contains many billions of stars.
S4.A.3.2.2 Use models to make observations to explain how systems work (e.g., water cycle, Sun-Earth-Moon system).
9.1.3.A: Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities. Visual Arts: - color - form/shape - line - space - texture - value
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will learn the organization of the solar system.
2. Students will learn the different planets and characteristics of them.
3. Students will apply some creativity in the creation of their model of the solar system.
4. Objectives-
Students will be able to
1. identify the names of all 8 planets
2. explain/ show that they all orbit around a central point called the sun
3. explain/ demonstrate the difference between a planet, moon and star
4. order the planets correctly from the sun outward
5. correctly create a model of a planet with their group and order all the planets correctly
6. develop a digital comic strip in which each group creatively displays the model, the characteristics/ important info on the planet and the order from the sun that it is in.
5. Materials and Aids-
smartboard/ projector
optimally 1 iPad per group of 2-3 students
icomiclife software
books for reference
Solar System from BrainPop
Blast off into Space!from WillowWeb
Clay (or whatever materials you choose to use)
assortment of art supplies for student to use and be creative with
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Brainstorm of what students know about solar system (what does solar mean? what planet do we live on? Is there life on any other planet?)
2. Students will all watch Solar System from BrainPop.

B. Development-

1. Students will get into group of 3 and be asked specifically to think about the difference between planets as they listen to the Podcast.
2. The class will listen to the podcast, Blast Off into Space! by Radio WillowWeb and take notes of what they think is important information. ***Teacher will model this on the board at a few key moments during podcast
3. Discussion will follow where the students will talk to each other and come up with one piece of information about each planet between all their notes and then share with the class. The information will be validated or corrected.

C. Practice-

1. Teacher will put up a banner/ poster with orbit circles and Velcro strips from the center out (for sun and the 8 planets).
2. Students will take turns attempting to order the planets correctly.
3. The teacher will not immediately correct- instead they will ask for another students opinion or knowledge until it is correct.

D. Independent Practice-

1. In their groups, students will spend time creating a visual representation of the sun and each planet.
2. Then, using their iPad with icomiclife software, groups will create a comic about a tour through the solar system. Each strip should take go in order through the planets and must at least contain sun + 8 planets with a minimum of 2 facts/ characteristics worked into the frames/ story.
3. Students will present their comics to the class projected on a screen

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. hearing disability- written dialogue of video and podcast; as many visual cues as possible
2. Visual learners have video, audio learners have the podcast, kinesthetic learners have the modular solar system
3.ELL- will be provided a guide of the solar system in own language and pertinent vocabulary in English ahead of time; the video and podcast will be translated ahead of time for them

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Observations/ questions
2. Solar system "puzzle" (modular solar system)
3. digital Comic strip (see rubric below)
4.) test/ quiz (see expectations below)

G. Closure-

1. Students will present their comics to the class projected on a screen and give each other tours through their comics.
Possible additional work:
2. Teacher and students will finish class taking turns reading through The Magic School Bus -Lost in the Solar System!
7. Evaluation-
1.Project Rubric: this will assess the project on a 4 point system (4=master, 3=apprentice, 2=novice, 1= untrained) The categories scored will include Knowledge about the solar system, aesthetic application, technical components, knowledge of planet characteristics/ information, and time and effort.

2. Test asking students to label the planets, sun and moons in the correct order. They will also be asked questions in the form of "Who am I" so that there is information and the student has to determine what it is from planets, suns and moon.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Was this lesson successful?
Did the students respond authentically?
Where were the moments of disconnect where their attention or interest was lost?
What were areas I assumed they enjoyed or understood where they did not?
What could I do differently next time?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)