1. Topic-
Hurricanes: What are they and how to track them.
2. Content-
Weather patterns that create a hurricane and how hurricanes move.
Key Vocabulary:
cold front
storm surge
tropical depression
tropical storm
warm front
wind speed
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. To identify how a hurricane begins.
2. To track an existing hurricane.
3. To understand the basic vocabulary connected to hurricanes and graphing a hurricane.
4. Objectives-
1. Student will be able to briefly explain how a hurricane begins.
2. Student will be able to locate longitude/latitude locations on a graph and how to chart a hurricane.
3. Student will be able to define hurricane terms associated with our lesson.
5. Materials and Aids-
Student graphs.
Large teacher graph for modeling and for videos.
Colored pencils.
Smartboard for checking website for hurricanes.
Vocabulary worksheets.
Student dry-erase boards.
Dry-erase markers.
Hurricane Quiz.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Watch videos that show hurricanes and storm surges.
2. Discuss different kinds of storms.
3. Check for pre-knowledge of vocabulary.

B. Development-

1. Browse the NOAA hurricane website and explain how to navigate to local hurricanes.
2. Demonstrate how to use coordinates to graph a hurricane on a graph.
3.Show latitude/longitude lines on a globe and map.

C. Practice-

1.Practice charting coordinates by giving example numbers to students.
2.Look at NOAA website for current hurricanes and graph them together.
3.Discuss vocabulary and definitions.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Students to graph the hurricanes progress the next day independently. Check for understanding.
2.Students will complete vocabulary worksheet to see what they remember.
3.Students will trade papers to review each other's work.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Student with ADHD will be seated near front where they can see Smartboard and vocabulary and not be distracted by things in the back of the room.
2. Have EL student sit with a partner who is a native English-speaker to work through graphing and vocabulary worksheet.
3.Allow student with learning disability to use a dictionary for looking up vocabulary words. Give them more time to work on the assignment.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Ask students to locate a hurricane on the NOAA website and report how they know it is a hurricane (center is colored, winds at least 75 mph, etc.)Choose students randomly to answer.
2.Ask for examples of different kinds of storms and the damage they can cause, if any.
3.Say a definition for a vocabulary word and ask students to write the word on their dry erase boards and then hold them up for you to view.

G. Closure-

1.Ask the students to share what they have learned. Did they enjoy the lesson?
2.Ask if there is any other new vocabulary the students learned that was not included on their list. Add to the list written on the board.
7. Evaluation-
1.Student will show basic knowledge of tracking hurricanes by obtaining at least an 80% on the Hurricane Quiz.
2.Student vocabulary worksheet will be completed with 80% accuracy.
8. Teacher Reflection-
What a great group activity! Students become really excited about watching the progress of a tropical depression becoming a hurricane!

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)