1. Topic-
Natural Disasters: Tornadoes
2. Content-
Grade 7 Alternate Science Standard
Standard S.7.1: Natural Disasters/ Tornadoes

Vocabulary: dust devil, funnel, rope tornado, storm cellar, tornado, waterspout, wedge tornado
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
By the end of 7th grade, students will, using their primary mode of communication, identify and apply knowledge of natural hazards.

Correlates to: Science Standard: 8.7.3 By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of natural hazards.
4. Objectives-
1. What is a tornado: Identify/ Define a Tornado when shown a visual aid or asked.

2. Tornado Types: Identify/recall the different types of tornadoes: rope, waterspout, wedge, Dust devil

3. Storm Warnings: Demonstrate an understanding/knowledge on what one should do when there is a tornado.
5. Materials and Aids-
A. Tornadoes by Justin McCoy Martin
B. Natural Disaster picture copies
D. Glue
E. Construction Paper
F. Computer
G. Natural Disasters Vocab matching on board.
H. Natural Disasters Review
I. KWL chart - Bell Work
J. Scissors

6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Bell Work: First 5 minutes of Class: The students will independently fill in there KWL chart. They will answer the following Bell Work questions on the board while teacher takes attendance:

A. In the "K" column List 2 things that you already know about Tornadoes.
B. In the "W' column list 2 things you would like to know about tornadoes.

2. Students will share with the class something from their KWL chart for the "K" and "L" column.

B. Development-

1. Discuss Vocabulary Words: Match Definitions, word, and picture.

2. Teacher reads Tornadoes by Justin McCoy Martin and engages students by asking them questions about what was read and what they predict will be read using picture clues or contextual clues.

3. Once lesson is complete teacher asks class the following questions to check for understanding.
A. What is the shape of a tornado?
B. Name the 4 types of tornadoes?
C. Where does a dust devil form?
DESERT - very dirty
D. Where does a waterspout form?
OVER WATER - pick up fish & drop them many miles away
E. What is a skinny tornado/fat tornado called?
F. About how many tornadoes hit America each year?
G. Where should you stay during a tornado?

C. Practice-

1.Once the book has been read students will make a page on Tornadoes to go in their Natural Disaster Book.

2. Teacher will model the activity on the board. Teacher will ask the students questions as they can.

D. Independent Practice-

The student will be able to chose how they will practice/review once they have completed their Tornado page to go in their Natural Disasters Book.
1. Student will go to quizlet.com and play "Natural Disasters: Tornadoes - Scatter Game". Once the student has completed this activity they will show the teacher their score.
2. Student can read their page to a teacher, para, or friend. Then play the Natural Disasters Review Game with a partner. Once they have finished they have matched the correct Natural Disasters they will have a para of teacher check.
3. Students will draw the 4 different types of tornadoes, label them, and share the picture with classmate, para, or teacher.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Students who are able to write the Key points in their book will do so.

2. Key points will be printed out so that other students can cut and paste the key concepts for their page on tornadoes.

F. Checking for understanding-

Teacher will check for understanding of the new concept/topic throughout the lesson:
1. Bell Work Completion "K" and "L"
2. Vocabulary Matching
3. Comprehension questions answered during the demonstration.
4. Quizlet.com
5. Completion of Tornado page
6. Drawing of 4 different types of Tornadoes
7. Natural Disasters Matching Game

G. Closure-

1. Right before students are dismissed they will have to tell the teacher on fact or answer one question about tornadoes before they can leave the room.

2. Natural Disasters Matching Game with a partner over the entire unit on Natural Disasters.

3. Post-Test
7. Evaluation-
1. Pre -Test & Post - Test
2. Quizlet.com
3. Bell Work Completion
4. Independent Assignment
8. Teacher Reflection-
Complete after each lesson:

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)