1. Topic-
Planets and Constellations
2. Content-
Identifying and Learning about Constellations, Planets and Stars
Key Vocabulary:
-Orion's Belt
-Little Dipper
-Big Dipper
-Polaris (The North Star)
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. As a result of this instruction students will learn about natural phenomena and how it relates to their world.
2. As a result of this instruction students will feel confidant in using technologies they may not have used before.
4. Objectives-
1. As a result of this instruction students will learn how to find and use educational applications on their smart phones.
2. As a result of this instruction students will learn about planets and constellations.
3. As a result of this instruction students will learn to identify stars and constellations.
4. As a result of this instruction students will be able to identify the North Star.
5. Materials and Aids-
Smart phone with the applications Solar Walk and Pocket Universe: Virtual Sky. The students will also need a camera phone.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Begin with a history of planetary exploration and discovery. This will be done using the program solar walk, which the students can bring up on their own Iphones and follow along with as the material is presented.
2. Group the students according to who has access to a smart phone and make sure there is at least one smart phone in every group.
3. Explain to the students that they will be exploring the solar system and the galaxy using smart phone technologies.

B. Development-

1. The instructor will show the students how the application works.
2. The instructor will explain that this must be done on a night where there is a clear sky otherwise they will not be able to see the stars.

C. Practice-

1. Students will take out their smart phones in their groups and demonstrate that they are capable of bringing up the application as well as understanding the basics of how it functions.
2. Students will also show that they are capable of taking pictures on their phones.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will be asked to meet as a group, and using Solar Walk, find every planet and constellation that is in the sky that night.
2. Students will then take photos of the planets and constellations and email them to the instructor.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Since all students do not have smart phones, the students will be in groups and share the phone while accomplishing the lesson.

F. Checking for understanding-

When the students come into class after having submitted their photos from the previous night, they will be shown a PowerPoint presentation, and then they will be asked to correctly identify the constellations.

G. Closure-

The students will be graded on their completion of the identification quiz.
7. Evaluation-
1. The instructor will observe how well the students respond to the use of cell phone technology.
2. Through their performance on the quiz the instructor will evaluate how well the lesson worked with the students.
8. Teacher Reflection-
After seeing how responsive the students are to the lesson, the instructor will be able to look at the effectiveness of using cell phones as part of a project.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)