1. Topic-
Rocks and Minerals
2. Content-
The characteristics of rocks and soil must be studied through sampling, observation and testing. Measurable and observable characteristics of rocks include size and shape of the particles or grains (if present) within the rock,
texture and color. Age-appropriate tools must be used to test and measure the properties. The characteristics of the rock can
help determine the environment in which it formed. Technology can be used to analyze and compare test results, connect to
other classrooms to compare data or share samples, and document the findings. The characteristics
of rocks can be used to sort or compare,
rather than formal classification.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Define what is considered a mineral.
2.Compare and contrast the characteristics of rocks.
3.Explain the connections between rocks and minerals.
4. Objectives-
1.List three or more similarities and differences of rocks and minerals.
2.Explain the connection between rocks and minerals.
5. Materials and Aids-
Rocks, comparison sheet for their notes, different types of minerals
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Definition of minerals.
2.Have children walk around the classroom silently and write down all the minerals they see.Come back as a class and talk about the minerals they wrote down.
3.Talk about the minerals in rocks. Put children in groups and give each a paper and eight rocks. Have the children work together to compare and contrast the rocks by it's characteristics and make observations on what minerals they believe make up the rock.

B. Development-

1. "Walk around the room"- give an example in front of the class of a two minerals I see or something that is made up of minerals.
2."Group work"- compare two rock's characteristics, but those characteristics makes observations of what minerals may have made up the rocks.

C. Practice-

1. While they are in their groups, walk around and ask guided questions about their observations of the rock's characteristics. "It feels rough, bumpy, like sand. What minerals do you think are in the rock?, etc.
2.What are minerals in?

D. Independent Practice-

Walking around writing down the minerals they see or the items that have minerals in it.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

There are 23 students in the classroom, two whom are on speech IEP's and one who is on a behavioral IEP but does well and does his best work when in an active activity and group activities; does not focus when doing independent work.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Collect the minerals paper they filled out when walking around the classroom.
2.As a class, talk about their observations from comparing and contrasting the rocks.

G. Closure-

What do we know about minerals?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)