1. Topic-
Human anatomy of the head, thorax and abdominal cavity
2. Content-
Bones that make up the anterior view of the skull:
-frontal bone, nasal bones, zygomatic bones, maxilla, mandible

Bones that make up the lateral view of the skull:
-Parietal, temporal, occipital, frontal, zygomatic, sphenoid, and mandible

Thorax (chest):
Sternum: body, manubrium, xyphoid process
Ribs: 12 ribs, 2 of which are floating ribs
Intercostal muscles: external, internal, innermost

Different types of joints:
Synovial: eg. knee, allows for movement
Cartilaginous: between cartilage, little movement
Fibrous: between sutures of the skull, no movement

Vertebral Column:
Cervical vertebra
Thoracic vertebra
Lumbar vertebra

Function of the Diaphragm:
-separate thoracic contents from abdominal contents
-increases vertical dimensions of the rib cage for inhalation

Basic structure of the lungs

Chambers and Major vessels of the heart:
-4 chambers, right and left ventricles and right and left atriums
-aorta, inferior and superior vena cava, pulmonary veins and arteries

Locations of the abdominal organs in the abdominal cavity:
-small intestine

3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Describe the anatomy of the human body from the head down to the abdominal cavity
2. Correctly label the structures in the thorax and abdomen
3. Identify the features of the skull and the major facial muscles

Materials and Aids-
Show a power point presentation with labeled diagrams, youtube videos with 3D animations, artificial models

A. Introduction-

Show youtube video of a 3D tour of the body

B. Development-

1.Show PowerPoint of labeled diagrams.
2.Discuss the function of some of the major organs in the body.
3.Pass around models.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Get students to label diagrams of the skull and the abdominal cavity
2.Ask students to list the basic components of the thoracic cage

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Students with hearing impairments:
Since the class will be looking at pictures with diagrams written, hearing is not vital for understanding of the material. Make sure student is sitting close to the front of the classroom so they can clearly see the labels. Pass around models and get a student sitting next to the student with hearing impairment to point at structures being discussed and then point at written labels. The material being learned is mostly visual. For explanations of functions of organ, type up notes before hand and give them to the student with the hearing impairment so he/she can follow along.

Students with intellectual disabilities:
Assign a buddy to point out the basic structures being covered on a model. Example: mandible (jaw), zygomatic bone (cheekbone).
Give a pre-labelled diagram with less structures labeled and ask the student to color in the diagram. As the student is coloring, ask another student or the special-aid worker to point out some of the key structures. While pointing out structures, point to the same structures on your own body or the students body. For example, if you are showing the mandible, point to your own jaw.


F. Checking for understanding-

After the power point presentation of labeled diagrams is complete, show unlabeled diagrams and ask students to name structures. Make it into a game and perhaps make teams.
1. Student has completed labeling of diagrams.
2. Labels are correct and neat.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)