Subject: Parts of the Human Body
To introduce the body parts to the students. Once the students have been introduced to new vocabulary, they will be separated into pairs and construct and label twenty body parts on a life-size outline of their bodies.
The vocabulary introduced will be: Hair Nose Forehead Ears Eyes Cheeks Mouth Teeth Chin Shoulders Arms Hands Fingers Chest Stomach Hips Legs Feet Toes Elbows
1. Students will be able to name and locate body parts that were taught in the lesson.
2. By the end of the lesson students will be able to give an example of what each body part is used for in their daily lives.
3.Students will be able to identify that the outside of the body on the left and right are symmetrical to each other.
5. Materials and Aids-
1. The lesson will require sheets of paper for each student (precut 4 1/2ft), markers, and crayons.
2. A copy of the body parts vocabulary (one copy per pair of students)
3. A audio recording of the Song, "Hokey Pokey", Silver, Burdett & Ginn Inc., 1989.

The Papers will be precut to 4 1/2 ft. in height for students to lay out on floor and be able to trace each other on the paper. A sample will be displayed so students can see the outcome of the outline and be able to identify each body part.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

The lesson will start by using the song "Hokey Pokey" by letting the students demonstrate what body parts they already know. The beginning of the lesson will be fun and will allow the students to interact with each other.


B. Development-

1. Start the lesson by playing the "Hokey Pokey" song, while demonstrating the motions to the song and ask the students to participate. Afterwards ask the students to name the body parts they heard in the song, and list the body parts they heard on a body parts vocabulary sheet.

2. Introduce the my same of the outline of the body. Ask the students to help you label the outline with the body parts they heard from the song. Ask students to tell you what body parts are still missing on the body outline. As students generate missing body parts, write the word on the Body Parts vocabulary chart and then on the body outline.

C. Practice-

1. Place children in groups of two. Inform students that they are going to make their own life-size body outline with 20 body parts drawn and labeled.

2. Pass out a large sheet of paper, and ask each child to lie down on the paper while his/her partner traces the outline of their body.
Afterwards each students cuts out the outline of their body. From this point on the students will work individually after the tracing is complete.

Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

For students who are behind, a partner may help them with labeling the body parts. This will promote learning while both of the students improve social skills.

Checking for understanding-

1. Display each outline for each student to observe, and ask the students to write in a journal about a body part that they have two of. Ask them to write an example of a body part, and what they do each day with that body part. Also give example of a body part. (Hand: eating, writing, and scratching)

2. While students are writing in their journals, the teacher checks the outlines and gives corrective and positive feedback.


Sing the "Hokey Pokey" song as a group one more time.
7. Evaluation-
Use the labeled outline of each child's body to assess the student's ability to name the parts of the body.

The checklist includes criteria ranging from excellent to unsatisfactory.

Excellent - All 20 body parts drawn and labeled correctly.
Satisfactory - 15-19 body parts drawn and labeled correctly.
Nice - 10-14 body parts drawn and labeled correctly.
Unsatisfactory - 9 or less body parts drawn and labeled correctly.

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