1. Topic-
Animals - Prepositions
2. Content-
- A day in the zoo
- Practicing vocabulary related with animals
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
By the end of the lesson students will be able to,

1.Develop their speaking skills - fluency/accuracy practice/ consolidating previously taught language and grammar points.

2.Practice vocabulary items related with the topic "animals" and "prepositions".

3.To practice some of the language points concerning "prepositions" by asking them to form sentences on their own.
4. Objectives-
1.To create a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere in the classroom by involving students' to the class actively.

2.To enable learners to identify and use the vocabulary and the grammar points accurately after a whole group discussion.
5. Materials and Aids-
- Flashcards
- Board and boardmarker
- Stickers (as a prize)
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Teacher greets the class.
2.Teacher asks the students' if they love animals and if they have any pets or not.
3.Teacher asks the students' if they have ever been to a zoo.

B. Development-

1.Teacher asks the students' about animals they know.
2.Teacher asks the students' to count the animals they know.
2.Teacher sticks the pictures and the names of the animals on the board. (10 pictures)
3.Teacher asks the students' to form 3 groups and then match the pictures with the words in their own groups

C. Practice-

1.Students match the pictures and the words (1 minute). One student from each group comes to the board and do the matching.
2.The group with the most correct answer gets a prize.
3.Teacher asks the students' to open their students' book (prepositions).
4.Teacher asks students' to remember the prepositions quickly and then asks them to form sentences using prepositions by looking at the pictures on the board.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Each group forms sentences.
2.The group with the most correct answer gets a plus.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Teacher hands out a homework to the students.
2.Teacher checks the papers.
3.If any mistakes, the topic may be revised again.

G. Closure-

1.After teacher hands out the homework, s/he asks them questions related with the topic such as:
- "Do you think it is OK to keep animals in a cage, in the zoo?"
- "Is it OK to have animals at home or leave them in their natural environment?"

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)