2. Content-
Animals and Their Habitats
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.The learns are expected to learn animals and identify the environments they live in
2.learners're expected to investigate various places and conditions the animals experience
4. Objectives-
1.Learn and understand the term habitat
2.Discover that forests, deserts, wetlands, and grasslands are unique and separate habitats
3.Identify animals that live in four different environments
5. Materials and Aids-
Course book, Activity book, Compact disk, Smart board, Board marker
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Talk about different natural environments with the class
2.Explain the term "habitat" and talk about the many kinds of animals that live in different habitats
3.illustrate the unique features and animals of the forest, desert, grasslands, and wetlands

B. Development-

1.Continue discussing forests, wetlands, deserts, and grasslands until students demonstrate a clear understanding of the basic characteristics of these environments
2.identify some animals that live in each habitat
3. tell them to draw a picture of the one they would most likely to visit.

C. Practice-

Talk about the kinds of things you would expect to see in each picture, such as the animals and plants that live and grow there

D. Independent Practice-

1. Allow students time to work on their drawings. Write the words "forest ," "desert," "wetlands," and "grasslands" on the board so students can write the word for their chosen habitat in a visible spot on their drawings.
2.ask students to share them with the rest of the class. Which habitat did most of the students want to visit?

E. Checking for understanding-

Check for comprehension by asking questions like these: Should a drawing of the desert have a lot of trees?

F. Closure-

1.At the close of the lesson, take the students outside to observe animals that live in your school environment.
2.What do they see? How would they describe the habitat these animals live in?
7. Evaluation-
1.Three points: Students were highly engaged in class discussions; were able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the term "habitat" and give correct examples of different habitats; and drew colorful, unique pictures that clearly identified a desert, forest, wetland, or grassland habitat.
2.One point: Students participated minimally in class discussions; were unable to demonstrate a basic understanding of the term "habitat" and could not give examples of different habitats; and drew incomplete pictures that did not clearly identify a desert, forest, wetland, or grassland habitat.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Display the habitat drawings in the classroom so students have a visual reminder of the unique features of the forest, desert, wetlands, and grasslands.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)