Subject: The Living Environment
1. Topic-
Cells Inside Out
2. Content-
Part 1-->
1. Cells- the basic unit of life
2. Prokaryote- a single-celled organism that doesn't have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
3. Eukaryote- an organism made up of cells that have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles
4. Animal cell- eukaryotic cell with different features found in animals
5. Plant cell- eukaryotic cells with different features in plants
6. Cell membrane- the cell's outer boundary
7. Cytoplasm- the cytosol and almost all of the structures that are suspended in the fluid
8. Cytoskeleton fibers- web of protein fibers found in eukaryotic cells

THE Organelles. Part 2-->
1. Organelle- structures that carries out specific activities inside the cell
2. Nucleus- DNA is housed in an internal compartment. The nucleus directs almost all of the cell's activities
3. Ribosome- a cellular structure on which proteins are made
4. Endoplasmic Reticulum- a system of membranes that is found in the cell's cytoplasm and that assists in the production, processing, and transport of proteins and in the production of lipids.
5. Vesicle- a small activity or sac that contains material in a eukaryotic cell
6. Lysosome- a vesicle that contains specific enzymes that break down large molecules
7. Golgi Apparatus- a cell organelle that helps make and package materials to be transported out of the cell
8. Vacuole- found in many plant cells, these large membrane-bound compartments store water, ions, nutrients, and waste
9. Chloroplast- an organelle found in plant cells use light energy to make sugar from carbon dioxide and water
10. Mitochondria- organelles that use energy from organic compounds to make ATP
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Have the students learn about today's work:
a. The types of cells
b. The parts of a cell
2. Make sure everyone has fun.
3. Follow double-period plan in this schedule (90 minutes)
4. Objectives-
L.O. Students will identify what cells are and their organelles.
5. Materials and Aids-
- Science Journal
- Science Textbook p.154-161
- Pencils and erasers
- Art supplies (plates, strings, crayons, etc.)
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Let the children unpack and get ready.
2. Asking the children what they know about cells and what they want to know.
3. Copying everything on the board.
-13 minutes

B. Development-

1. Explain the lesson-the vocabulary and additional points.
2. Reading pages 154-161.
-30 minutes

C. Practice-

1. Create a cell. Half of the class will be a plant cell and the other half animal cell. Then each student will pick an organelle to explain thoroughly. Then everyone will review each other's work in a class discussion. After this, ask if anyone has any questions.
-40 minutes

D. Independent Practice-

Answer questions 1-3 on page 161.
- 5 minutes

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

At home review lesson.

F. Checking for understanding-

Take any five organelles in an eukaryotic cell and compare their function to a real-life scenario.

G. Closure-

What is the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
7. Evaluation-
Did I finish my lesson on time?
Did I time my work correctly?
Do you believe the students learned and had fun at the same time?
8. Teacher Reflection-

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