1. Topic-
Classification of leaves, using a collection of leaves and a flow chart
2. Content-
flow chart
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students will sort leaves into similar groups
2.Students will identify leaves using a chart
3.Students will classify specific leaves using a flow chart
4. Objectives-
1.Students will be able to define vocabulary
2.Students will be able to use a flow chart
3.Students will work together in small groups
5. Materials and Aids-
collected leaves from schoolyard
Flow chart
Leaves from teacher collection
Identification chart
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. This lesson comes a week after "Classifying Plants and Animals" Chapter 1 in Science book
2.Allow students to touch, smell, and experience leaves brought from my home
Teacher demonstrates the proper use of a flow chart (not the first time used in this class)

3.Take a walk through schoolyard, collecting leaves in paper bags

B. Development-

1. Students choose one leaf from schoolyard or teacher provided for teacher to identify
2.Teacher identifies leaf using book or chart showing how it is done properly
3. Teacher writes correct name of leaf on board and hangs leaf beside

C. Practice-

1.Students will choose one leaf to identify in small group
2. Students will use books and charts provided to identify and write it beside leaf
3. Students will then use a flow chart to identify 6 leaves provided by the teacher
4. Students will fill out identification chart correctly

D. Independent Practice-

If time, students will choose another leaf to identify using books and charts

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Groups will be chosen to help accommodate those who need extra help

F. Checking for understanding-

Identification charts will provide teacher opportunity to see if flow chart was used properly

G. Closure-

Leaf rubbing

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)