Subject: Life Science
1. Topic-
2. Content-
Symbiotic Relationships
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will classify and analyze relationships in an ecosystem.
2. Students will use the physical characteristics of an organism to infer its niche.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will use research methods to investigate practical problems and questions.
2. Students will develop a presentation to show to the class to describe one organism and its impact on the Chesapeake Bay.
5. Materials and Aids-
Print Materials from Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
Access to Internet and Chesapeake Bay Foundation site.
Books on Chesapeake Bay.
Poster Making Materials
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Watch Discovery Streaming clips on Ecology:an Introduction to Organisms and their Environments and The Community of Organisms and Niches. (Total time: 7 minutes)
2.Refer students to our desk top aquariums to describe the roles the organisms have there.
3. Ask students to think about how successful their band would be if everyone was only willing to play the drums.

B. Development-

1. I have past examples of posters and power point presentations to share.
2.I will share a poster made detailing the niche of an organism in their desk top aquariums.

C. Practice-

Provided graphic organizer will guide research into niche and adaptations of their Chesapeake Bay organism.

D. Independent Practice-

1. They will produce a presentation of their choice to try to persuade their classmates that their organism is most important to the health of the Chesapeake Bay.
2. Check-ins with graphic organizer will be necessary before product is made. All work will be done in class.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Students will be randomly grouped with the exception of students who need extra help being preferentially placed (unknown to them).
2.Choice of product is given: PowerPoint or poster or another approved idea (ex: skit or song)
3.Computers and materials will be available during school wide study time and before and after school.

F. Checking for understanding-

Product will be presented to class with accompanying rubric for assessment by teacher and group.

G. Closure-

1. We will have voting on the "Bay Critter of the Year" by classmates.
2. Winners will receive bay-themed prizes ( ex: cupcakes with Easter grass (for submerged aquatic vegetation))
3. We will then examine how the organisms describe relate to one another and the health of the bay using the example of our desktop ecosystems as a reference.
7. Evaluation-
1.Completed graphic organizers will be collected.
2.Rubric will be used to assess presentation and research.
8. Teacher Reflection-
I'm sure this will take more time than I will be willing to allocate (what's new) and I will be wishing that I had more control over pairings.

This Lesson Plan is available at (