1. Topic-
Food Preparation, Process, and Methods
2. Content-
Subject Matter: Understand methods for safety, sanitation, processes and conserving resources.
Key terms:
Nonrenewable resource
Renewable resource
Key terms:
Nonrenewable resource
Renewable resource
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.What are types of conservation in the home when preparing food?
2.What are examples of reducing, reusing and recycling when preparing food?
3.What are solutions t- reducing, reusing and recycling when preparing food?
4.What are the benefits of reduce, reuse, and recycle when preparing food?
4. Objectives-
Understand food conservation practices
5. Materials and Aids-
Smart Board, Power Points, Work sheets, Glue, paper, Color pencils, scissors, recyclable products.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Ask the class "How many of you all practice recycling?", "How many of you all practice conservation?, if s- how d- you conserve and what d- you conserve?" Most of them may not know what conservation means s- after I ask the introduction questions I will state: "Conservation of resources is vital in protecting the environment and t- preserve for future generations both nonrenewable (resources continually produced in nature but at a rate to- slow t- keep up with demand) and renewable resources (resources that are replaced quickly). Ask if anyone knows what a renewable and nonrenewable resource is? Today class, we are going t- learn about the 3 R's and conservation.

B. Development-

1.The best place t- practice conserving resources is at home. Conservation is the responsibility of the entire family and should be practiced daily. Individuals can substantially reduce, reuse, and recycle waste and conserving resources by:- REDUCE means t- cut the amount of waste, energy, or water used. Categories, examples and solutions of solid waste and energy include:
- Solid waste "� consuming and conserving
- Examples
- Packaging
- Paper products
- Solutions
- Separate by guideline provided in your community
- Reuse when possible
- Energy - consuming and conserving
- Examples
- Lighting
- Surface units
- Refrigerators / freezers
- Ovens
- Water heaters
- Solutions
- Cut off lights when not in use
- Match the size of the surface unit and utensil
- Keep clean, organized, and not overfilled
- Turn off when not in use
- Turn down when on vacation
- Water - consuming and conserving
- Examples
- Faucets
- Dishwashing
- Cooking methods
- Solutions
- Turn off when not in use.
- Wash only when full.


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