1. Topic-
Frog Life Cycle
2. Content-
Students will hear a story about the frog's life cycle. They will learn about habitats that frogs can live in. Then they will complete a worksheet and life cycle sheet.
Key vocabulary:
egg sacks,tadpole, froglet, frog
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Students will know...
1. The various stages of the frog life cycle
2. The different types of habitats of frogs in our region
4. Objectives-
Students will be able to...
1.Describe parts of the frog life cycle
2. Create a paper copy of the frog life cycle
3. Understand that the frog life cycle is similar to some animals and different from other animals
5. Materials and Aids-
National Geographic Readers: Frogs!by Elizabeth Carney
Photos of possible habitats
Pencils, crayons, scissors and glue - for the life cycle activity
Worksheets (attached)
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Ask the students "Where do you think frogs come from?"
2. Discuss different answers and explore why the students selected the location

B. Development-

1. Read National Geographic Readers: Frogs! to the class
2.Ask students if they all know where frogs come from now
3. Ask- " If frogs come from eggs, then where do they live?"
4. Show different pictures of possible habitats and have students say if they are or are not frog habitats and why.

C. Practice-

1. Students will complete a life cycle diagram and question worksheet individually as classwork
2. Additional sheet will be given for students that finish quickly or if they need additional practice

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will complete a comprehension worksheet (homework)
2.Students will have the chance for extra credit by completing an activity sheet

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Worksheets will be available in larger print for students with visual impairment
2. For students with fine motor skill troubles- life cycle activities will be pre-cut and have glue dots applied to the back so they are ready to put together
3. For gifted students they will have to write a paragraph about which part of the life cycle they think is most important and why

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Students will be assessed by them completing the life cycle properly on paper
2. The homework will also show understanding

G. Closure-

1. The students will have a habitat set up in the classroom to view the frog life cycle. As a class we will document changes.
2. Once the frogs have grown we can release them or keep them as a class pet.
7. Evaluation-
1. Life cycle and terms quiz
2. Ability to describe details of the classroom frog habitat using terms that we learned in the lesson.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Were students interested in this lesson from the beginning? If not, what could be changed? Is there more that should be done or something to be changed/removed? Did students seem to understand the terms provided?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)