1. Topic-
From Parents to Young
2. Content-
Inherited Trait

Assess prior knowledge...
Have students discuss traits that make them similar and different from each other.

What traits do you have that are different from the traits of other students? (Students answers will vary)
What traits do you have that are similar to traits your parents have? (Answers will vary)
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
3. Standards-Tennessee
GLE 0307.4.2 Recognize common human characteristics that are transmitted from parents to offspring.
GLE 0307.4.4 Draw conclusions about the similarities and differences between parents and their offspring.
GLE 0307.4.5 Make a list of human characteristics that are transmitted from parents to their offspring.
SPI 0307.4.2 Distinguish between characteristics that are transmitted from parents to offspring and those that are not.
GLE 0307.Inq.3 Organize data into appropriate tables, graphs, drawings, or diagrams.
4. Objectives-
4. Objectives-
Explain how some traits are inherited from parents.

Distinguish between inherited traits and learned traits.
5. Materials and Aids-
5. Materials-
Students bring in family photo
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

6. Introduction-
Ask students to tell what they know about how traits are passed on from parents to young. Have them write short paragraph describing what they think they will learn in this lesson.
Review the vocabulary terms with students before you begin the lesson. Ask them if they know what each term means, and have them give their definitions before reading into the lesson.
Have student fill in a Main Idea and Detail graphic organizer as they read the lesson.

B. Development-

A. Development-
Have students discuss some of the traits that are shared between parents and children. Ask...
How can you tell one person from the other? (They have different traits or features.)
Why do you think children share some of the traits of their parents? (Students might say that children inherit traits from their parents.)
Why don't children look exactly like either of their parents? (Children share some traits with each parent, and they have some acquired traits that their parents do not have.)

C. Practice-

B. Read and Learn-
What are inherited traits?
Have you ever wondered why people look the way they do? Why do some people have brown eyes and others have green eyes, for example? Every organism has traits that make them unique. A trait is a characteristic or feature of a living thing. Eye and hair color are traits. The shape of a plant's flowers, stems, and leaves are traits. Traits help you recognize and describe an organism.
Where do an organism's traits come from? Part of the answer is heredity. Heredity is the passing on of traits from parents to young. Traits that come from parents are called inherited traits. A flower's shape and color are inherited traits. The number of arms and legs an animal has is also inherited. Your eye color and hair color are inherited traits. Inherited traits make organisms look like their parents.
Most organisms inherit traits from both parents. For this reason, organisms almost never look exactly like either parent. A baby girl might have her mother's hair color but her father's eye color, for example.
Organisms may look more like one parent then the other. This happens when one parent gives its offspring traits that are more visible. Offspring are an organism's young. The offspring of a gray dog and a yellow dog night be yellow. The offspring of a red flow and a yellow flower might be red.

D. Independent Practice-

C. Quick Lab-
Observe: Look at the photo of the family. How are these people all alike? How do they differ?
Communicate: Compare the children to their mother. Discuss which of their traits are similar to their mother's traits.
Communicate: Compare the children to their father. Discuss which of their traits are similar to their father's traits.
Infer: Why do organisms look similar to, but not exactly like their parents?

E. Checking for understanding-

E. Quick Check-
What are inherited traits?
(Traits that come from the parents.)
Is the length of a dog's tail an inherited trait? Why or why not?
(Yes; the length of the dog's tail at birth is inherited from the dog's parents.)

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)