1. Topic-
How Plants Grow
2. Content-
When you plant a seed it can grow under the right conditions. We will get a seed and discuss what it needs to grow: sunlight, soil, and water. We will learn and observe how a seed germinates, becomes a seedling, and can grow. We will place a seed in wet paper towel and watch it develop a seed coat, then we will plant our seeds in egg cartons filled with soil. As we water our plants daily we will document and measure the plant growth. Discussing our findings and furthering our knowledge along the way.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Student will learn how plants grow
2.Student will learn that plants need light, air, water, and soil to grow.
3.Student will measure and document their plant growth.
4. Student will be able to draw and label the seed, roots, stem, and leaves of their plant.
4. Objectives-
1. Plants grow from seeds
2. Identify parts of a seed
3. Seeds germinate and become seedlings
4. The stem of the plant grows towards light
5. Form a hypothesis about our plants
6. Make observations and write in journal
7. Record findings
5. Materials and Aids-
www.youtube.com Hoopla Kidz video How Do Plants Grow?, seeds from a seed packet, paper towels, magnifying glass, soil, egg cartons, rulers, journals,
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Ask students: Where do plants come from? What are some plants you know? What can you use plants for? What do you already know about plants? What do you think plants need to grow?
2. Show youtube video of How Do Plants Grow?
3. Have students generate a list all together of what they know about plants.
4. Have students write the list in their journal.
5. Review video and add any other findings that were not listed yet.

B. Development-

1. Show students a flower and a fruit. Show them where the seeds are, after pass around and discuss.
2. Then explain how we will grow our own bean seeds.
3. Ask students to generate a hypothesis about their plant.
4. Have students write their hypothesis in their journal.

C. Practice-

1. Hand out seeds to students, they can work in pairs or small groups.
2. Have students place seeds in a damp paper towel. Teacher will walk around and assist students.
3. Leave overnight.
4. Next day have students make observations about their seeds, give turns using magnifying glass to examine.
5. Students will then receive soil and egg cartons and plant their seeds in the soil. Teacher will model first and assist students during their turn.
6. We will discuss again what plants need to grow. Describe how plants respond to light and gravity, and explain why food food is needed for plants to live.
7. Students will write their thoughts and growth estimations in their journal.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will be given a small pitcher and have turns to water their plants daily based on their need.
2. Students will be given rulers and will be given time during watering to measure their plants and write down growth every day.
3. Students will be allowed to journal thoughts and drawings daily during lesson.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Students will work in pairs and small groups to assist one another.
2. Teacher will assist during project.
3. Separate work sheet to be place in journal to help students organize their daily findings.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Students journals will be checked daily for responses.
2.Discussion and questions will be asked before we water plants.
3. Our plant drawing with labels with be turned in and documented.

G. Closure-

1. We will check our initial hypothesis and then compose a final thought we will individually develop with teacher assistance.
2. We will take time to share our pictures with the class and discuss what our hypothesis was, what our conclusion is and what surprised them about the outcome.
7. Evaluation-
1. We will do a drawing of our plants and work together to label the seed, root, stem, leaves.
2. All journals will checked
3. Students will be assessed using a participation and daily content checklist.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Teacher will determine student engagement during class through questions and individual conversations.
Document areas where pre teaching or reteaching would benefit lesson.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)