Subject: Anatomy and Physiology
1. Topic-
Introduction to Skeletal System and the Axial Skeleton
2. Content-
Introduction to Skeletal System to include the types and formation of bones. Learning and naming the bones of the axial skeleton.

Key Vocabulary:
periosteum, epiphysis, diaphysis, articular cartilage, articulation, red bone marrow, hematopoiesis, compact bone, spongy bone, ossification, endochondral ossification, epiphyseal plate, appositional growth, reduction, axial skeleton, sinusitis, mastoiditis, sutures, fontanels, and the bones of the axial skeleton
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Illustration of how the skeletal system is important and its functions.
2.How bones are formed and the features of bones.
3.Bones of the axial skeleton and important characteristics of each.
4. Objectives-
1.Students will be able to discuss the functions of the skeleton, types of bones and how they are formed.
2.Students will be able to recognize and name the bones of the skull, spine and rib cage.
5. Materials and Aids-
Mader's Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology (6th Edition), Computers, Smartboard, Interactive Cadaver Software.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.What types of bones do we have in our body and what makes them strong?
2.How does our body repair broken bones?
3.What are the parts and functions of the axial skeletal system?

B. Development-

1.Overhead diagrams showing types, functions and repair within our skeletal system.
2.Diagrams showing the skull, spine and ribs.
3.Journal Entries of

C. Practice-

1.Group discussion on structure and function of bones with notes.
2.Label diagrams on axial skeletal system.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Classroom worksheets
2.Axial skeletal diagrams
3.Structure and function of bones outline.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Extra time as needed.
2.Individual instruction as needed.
3.Completed diagrams for study guides as needed.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Classroom discussion.
3.Diagrams and labels

G. Closure-

1.Summarize bone function
2.Summarize axial skeletal names and functions
7. Evaluation-
1.Discussion and worksheets of bone formation, repair, function and anatomy
2.Skeletal diagrams of the axial skeletal system

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