1. Topic-
Life Cycle of Animals
Next Generation Science Standard 3-LS1-1: Develop models to describe that organism have unique and diverse life cycles but all have in common birth, growth, reproduction, and death.
2. Content-
All animals have a unique life cycles, but have common stages.
life cycle
- birth
- growth
- reproduction
- death
patterns, similarities, differences, categorization
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will explore the life cycles of animals.
2. Students will compare life cycles of different animals and identify similarities and differences.
3. Students will compile research into a presentation for peers.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will identify parts of the life cycle of animals.
2. Students will categorize components of life cycles by similarities and differences.
3. Students will explain how animals change throughout their life cycles.
5. Materials and Aids-
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Read "A Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle.
2. Discuss
- What changes did the caterpillar experience?
- How long did it take?
- What surprised you about the caterpillars changes?
- Do other animals go through the same changes?
3. KWL chart about life cycles.

B. Development-

1. Video about the life cycle of frogs and butterflies. During the video, students fill out an outline about the parts of life cycles they see.
2. Discuss the video whole class. Review the outline.
- Highlight both the similarities and differences between the two life cycles.
- Extend to discussion to other animals and humans.
3. Direct instruction explaining life cycle stages.

C. Practice-

1.Life Cycle Stages - Working with table mates, each group will receive pictures of the life cycles of 4 animals mixed together (cow, frog, butterfly, human). The students must put them in order and state what the picture is demonstrating.
2. Life Cycle Relay - 4 animals
-Outside or in a large open space place, cards with pictures of parts of the life cycle on one end away from students.
- Each student must do some sort of physical activity to get the cards (hop, skip, jump) to pick up the pictures.
- Once they have all the cards, they have to match the pictures to the label cards they have and put them in order.
- The first team to put the life cycles in order for all 4 animals wins!
3. Review the life cycles in the game and wrap-up the activity.

D. Independent Practice-

Homework: Write a story about the life cycle of a make-believe animal. Include details about each of the 4 common stages (birth, growth, reproduction, death) and how this animal's life cycle is unique.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Students with IEPs will be accommodated based on needs.
2. Students with language differences will be accommodated.
3. As an extension, higher level students will complete the life cycle relay activity using a set of cards without the words (only using picture cards).

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Prior-knowledge journal
- What is a life cycle?
- Do all animals have the same life cycle? How?
- What are the parts of a life cycle?
2. Exit tickets after the lesson.
3. Targeted questioning during lessons.

G. Closure-

1. Wrap-up discussion. Talk about what the students found out in their research and how they worked as groups.
2.Exit ticket
7. Evaluation-
Group Project and Presentation:
- Students will work in groups of 3-4 to research the life cycle of an animal not discussed in class using provided website.
- The group with draw a timeline of the animal's life and explain the stages.
- The group will collaborate to label the stages with the unique aspects of the animal's life and determine why they are unique.
- Each group will report their finding to the class.
Students will be graded using a rubric for the content of their work and well as a self-evaluation and group-evaluation of working in a group.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)