1. Topic-
Marine Debris and Effects on Animal Life
2. Content-
Pacific Guyre, Marine Debris ( causes and problems), solutions,
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students will understand what the Pacific Guyer is and how marine debris masses form, decompose, and circulate in the ocean
2. Students will specifically learn how marine debris affects sea birds like the Black Footed Albatross
3.students will understand difficulty of albatross finding appropriate food in the ocean
4. Objectives-
1. Students will view a power point about the North Pacific Guyre and Marine Debris

2. Students will role play and try to gather food in a simulated ocean and 'feed' their chick.
3. Students will log and graph types of 'food' their chick gets fed and determine if their offspring is likely to survive.
5. Materials and Aids-
power point and equipment
5 large flat pans such as turkey roasters
5 tongs as bird beaks
4 small containers to simulate chicks and to hold 'food' gathered by the parent's beak ( tongs)
water to float marine debris and items that represent appropriate food items such as flying fish eggs and squid.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Introduce topic and show power point that explains geography, problem, and causes
2. show actual marine debris and actual bolus contents in display

B. Development-

1. Divide class into groups of no more than 4
2. Explain activity and technique
3. Explain why this is a simulation of how Black Footed Albatross actually feed in the ocean.

C. Practice-

1. Divide group into record keeper, equipment keeper, chick, and parent
2. Take turns being a blindfolded parent bird and scooping up 'food' to place in the chick's bowl.
Take turns being the chick and holding the bowl, being the record keeper and recording data on the lab sheet. Take turns
being the equipment manager and keeping the water level up, re-loading the 'ocean with 'food' and marine debris, and blindfolding the parent bird.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Answer the questions on the data sheet
2. Create a colored graph to show whole class results.

3. Pair share with someone your graph and how you got your data.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Partner leader students with those they can help along.
2. Provide written and verbal directions.
3. Let students divide group jobs and practice taking turns at all the jobs as they repeat the activity.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. What is Marine Debris and why is it a problem?
2. How can this problem be helped?

G. Closure-

1. Have students share with the large group their data sheets and compare results.
2. Have students write down their own reflection about what they learned and how it made them feel. Have them list actions they could take to help solve this problem.
7. Evaluation-
1. How well did students understand the topic?
2. Were there any difficult points in the lesson? How would I change the lesson?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)