1. Topic-
Organisms and their Environments
2. Content-
Standard 4-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics and patterns of behavior that allow organisms to survive in their own distinct environments. (Life Science)

4-2.1 Classify organisms into major groups (including plants or animals, flowering or nonflowering plants, and vertebrates [fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals] or invertebrates) according to their physical characteristics.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. The students will learn correlations between animals and their environments.
2. The students will learn specific animal characteristics.
3. The students will learn how animal characteristics are related to environments.
4. Objectives-
1. The students will need to pay close attention to the video shown.
2. The students know how to use databases so they will answer all questions using the data base.
5. Materials and Aids-
1.Smart board- used to show the video and to display the database.
2. Worksheet- for students to complete (provided for you)
3. Pencil- students are required to write in pencil for this assignment.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. A video will be shown to the students prior to completing the database worksheet.
2. Tell them to pay close attention during the video so they will have a better understanding of animals and different habitats while completing the worksheet later.
3. Now, show the video to the class.

B. Development-

1. During the video, stop it after ten minutes to have a class discussion about the animal habitat.
2. Ask the students how they think the characteristics of the animal may effect the habitat it lives in.
3. Now that the students have some background knowledge on the animals, give them the worksheet.

C. Practice-

1. Explain the worksheet to the students.
2. This project needs to be completed individually.
3. Put the database on the smartboard so the students can begin.

D. Checking for understanding-

1. As the students complete the worksheet, walk around the classroom to make sure the are working individually. If they have any questions answer them, without answering the actually question on the assignment.
2. When the students are done with the sheet, have them turn it in at the front of the class in the basket for grading.

E. Closure-

When everyone has completed the worksheet and turned it in, ask them what they found the most interesting about the database. This will lead into a class discussion which should last about 15 minutes.
7. Evaluation-
1. When grading the worksheets, questions 1-6 should be marked either right or wrong. Question number 7 should be graded based upon the amount of creativity the student put into the drawing.
2. This assignment will be counted as a class work grade.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)