1. Topic-
Fishy Pieces
2. Content-
Parts of a fish/eyes, fins,gills, scales, mouth, tail
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
The student will learn the parts of a fish.
4. Objectives-
The student will be able to use key terms to identify/label the parts of a fish.
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Book: Fish, Fish, Fish, by George Adams
2. Fish aquarium stocked with various types of fish, magnifying glasses
3. Construction paper fish parts(body, fins, tail), glue, metallic confetti,buttons
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Teacher will read the book to students. The class will discuss different types of fish they have seen, and where they have seen them. Teacher will ask if students know how fish can live under water. She will explain that gills help fish breathe like lungs help us breathe. She will point out that fish have special parts that humans don't have. She will use a picture in the book to point out fish parts.

B. Development-

The teacher will introduce the aquarium. She will demonstrate how to use the magnifying glass to observe the fish.

C. Practice-

The children will observe the fish in the aquarium using the magnifying glasses.

D. Independent Practice-

The students will be given the supplies to make their own fish. The teacher will explain that the confetti is like scales, and the button are like fish eyes. They are instructed to put the parts in the correct location on the fish body.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

The teacher will repeat key words and demonstration for those who need further exposure. Key words can also be translated into other languages.

F. Checking for understanding-

Teacher will monitor observation and art activity to check for understanding.

G. Closure-

Students will add their fish to the bulletin board "aquarium".
7. Evaluation-
Evaluation will be done through observation of the activities. Checklists can be used to record participation and meeting objectives.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)