1. Topic-
Seed Germination/ What makes a Seed Grow?
2. Content-
Seeds need several things to grow and survive. Students will learn the basic needs of a seed, and its dependence on light, food, air, water, and shelter. Students will conduct seed germination. Vocabulary: seed, germination, living organism, seed coat, embryo and food supply.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Overall expectations of the students:
1. Identify what a living organism needs to survive.
2. Name the parts of a seed.
3. Follow the directions of the experiment. Describe what happens to a seed under different conditions. Use scientific inquiry skills to investigate why seeds react or do not react to certain conditions.
4. Objectives-
1. At the end of this lesson, the students will know: What conditions it takes to germinate a seed.
2.At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to plant a seed and help it grow into a plant.
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Pinto bean seed, a clear plastic cup, black marker,water, black construction paper and 2-3 paper towels per student.
2. Smartboard with key vocabulary listed and a picture of the seed with the parts identified.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. I will ask the students to take a seed from a bowl (different types of seeds) in front of the room and return to their desks. I will ask the students "Who has the seed that is alive?"�
2. I will ask the students why do you think it is alive or not and what does it need to continue to be alive if it is? How can we find out? How can we find out what are the best conditions to grow /germinate a seed?
3. Identification of the parts of a seed will be introduced.

B. Development-

1. Through direct instruction, the students will be led through a discussion of the conditions that need to be present for life of an organism.
2. Ask the students what is possible with the seed they are in possession of.
3. Tell the students they will be trying different techniques to facilitate the germination of the seed.
4. Introduce the experiment and its purpose and the inquiry process.
5. The class, as a whole will come up with a question (possibly, "What will happen to the bean?" )
6. The class will come up with a hypothesis, as a whole.

C. Practice-

1. Students will be given the materials for the experiment to construct the cup for germination. These include the pinto bean seed, a clear plastic cup, black construction paper and 2-3 paper towels.
2. The students will write his or name near the mouth of the cup. The students will then place the construction paper inside the cup, place the seed between the cup and paper. 3. The students will place the paper towel inside the cup crumpled. Two students will not put water in the cup and the cup will be marked with a red sticker. The rest of the class will place the water in the cup. The water will be measured into the cup to soak the construction paper and the paper towel.
4. Three students will place his or her cups that are filled with water into a cabinet with no light. One student without water in the cup will place his or her cup in the cabinet. The rest of the cups including the one without water will be placed in the window sill. All cups will be monitored daily for growth adding water when needed (to specified cups).

D. Independent Practice-

1. The students will keep a daily log of I notice/I wonder columns for the seeds that have water and are in the light, seeds that are in the dark and seeds with no water (3 separate pages of I notice/I wonder).
2. The log will have ten days of entries before discussion of results.
3. A rubric will be used to assess ongoing participation(attached).

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. To accommodate the different levels of learning, ideas will be presented through both auditory (direct instruction)and visual means, i.e., pictures of seeds (with parts identified) and a key vocabulary list will be shown on the smartboard and a sample of the cup will be placed on a table for students to view and enable them to 'see' the what the finished product will look like (minus the water).
2. Students will be given varying lengths of time to complete a task in order to provide additional support for a struggling learner.
3. To encourage an advanced learner, additional questions will be given during the evaluation portion of the lesson pursue the topic in greater depth.
4. The students will have places in the room to work quietly and without distraction, as well as places that invite student collaboration (table with the sample cup).

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Discussion of journal entries: What did you observe? Were there differences in the way we cared for the seeds and how they grew/germinated? What conditions do you think are the best?
2. The parts of a seed will be discussed with a handout.(Attached)seed coat, food supply and embryo. The handouts will be used for feedback to the student and to determine if the student is understanding the lesson.

G. Closure-

1. The smart board will be utilized to display a slideshow of pictures that were taken by the teacher during the ongoing project.
2. The smart board will be utilized to review the picture of the seed and its parts and the key vocabulary terms.
3. A recap of the common core standard used, "Students will learn the basic needs of a living organism, and its dependence on light, food, air, water, and shelter." State: PA
Standard Number(s): 3.1.3.A2.
4. The students will clean up the project areas used and wrap up cups to be taken home. For the students with alternate techniques in which the seed did not germinate, the student will be encouraged to take it home and facilitate germination.
7. Evaluation-
1. The students will respond in essay format to the following questions which will be turned in for a mark of met expectations or did not meet expectations: What conditions were needed to germinate a seed? What are the parts of a seed? How does germination affect the seed? What other ways could be used to germinate a seed? What did you learn about living organisms?
2. Additional question for the advanced learner: What else do you think could affect the growth or germination of a seed? Could you test your idea?
8. Teacher Reflection-
Did the lesson plan meet the expectations of the PA science standard 3.1.3.A2? Did the attention grabber work? Were students understanding the activity at the different assessment points in the lesson? What went well and what did not? What are things that I would change in the future utilizing this lesson?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)