1. Topic-
2. Content-
Subject Matter: whales
Integrated into:
Language Arts through story books,and whale reports
Art: creating whale chalk drawings and mammal posters
Science: Learning whale facts/vocabulary
Math:measuring length of different whales and discussing sizes of body parts such as tongue, heart, eye, blow hole, etc....
Technology:Whale research, word processing program and downloading pictures.
Key vocabulary:whales, species, toothed, baleen, mammals, blow holes
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students will recognize characteristics of mammals.
2.Students will be able to name at least five different species of whales.
3.Students will determine if a whale is toothed or baleen.
4. Objectives-
1.Students will create a poster demonstrating characteristics of mammals.
2. Students will choose a certain species of whale to write a nonfiction report on.
3.Student will be able to look at a picture of a whale and determine if it is toothed or baleen.
5. Materials and Aids-
Basal Reading book, whale fact template,National geographic video, your favorite Internet search engine, Internet/computer access,Discovery Education streamlining, a variety of nonfiction classroom books
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Students will begin a K/W/L chart regarding their knowledge of whales.
2.Teacher will introduce the Aliki story Big Blue Whale.
3.Students will participate in an art drawing lesson using black pen and chalk to be introduced to the Blue Whale.

B. Development-

1.With teacher guidance,students will make a poster demonstrating characteristics of a mammal
2.Teacher will introduce the whale fact template.
3.Teacher will chooses a species of a whale to learn more about in depth. Using the computer/TV connection, teacher will demonstrate doing an Internet search for whale facts.
4.Teacher will role model collecting nonfiction data for a report.

C. Practice-

1.Students will choose the whale species they want to learn more about.
2.Using the Fire Fox search engine, students will research data and record their findings on their template.

D. Independent Practice-

Using Microsoft word, students will type a nonfiction report sharing information they learned about their whale. Areas covered should be: habitat, description, food source, special features and if whale is toothed or baleen. Students will also download and print a picture of their specific species of whale.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Students on IEP are allowed to work with instructional assistant on project.
2.Microsoft spell/grammar check
3.Simple basic whale books provided for lower readers.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Student will complete a provided checklist to see if their report included all of the required information.
2.Teacher will score each writing sample and provide feedback to student.

G. Closure-

1.Student will present a final published report along with a colored picture of their whale to display on the hall bulletin board.
2.Students will watch the movie Free Willie
7. Evaluation-
Students will meet as a group and complete the K/W/L chart and share with others what they have learned.
8. Teacher Reflection-
1.Students must have prior knowledge using Microsoft word processing program.
2. A variety of leveled nonfiction books need to be provided.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)