1. Topic-
All About Magnets
2. Content-
Students will learn how magnets work and the parts of magnets. We will take part in various activities (see below) and read a book that is age appropriate on magnets. Vocabulary words we will focus on will be: magnet, motion, and force.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. The students will classify objects as magnetic and non magnetic.
2. The students will discuss the different parts of a magnets and what makes them magnetic.
3. Students will use the guessing method to see if they think certain objects are magnetic before we begin to test them.
4. Objectives-
1. The student is expected to ask questions and perform simple investigations such as the way an object moves towards a magnet.
2. Record and analyze their observations.
3. Explore interactions between magnets while working in small groups.
5. Materials and Aids-
Book: What makes a magnet? Author Franklin Branley

Magnetic kit from lakeshore learning.

Magnetic worksheet created by me.

Several magnetic and non magnetic objects such as paper clips, crayons, keys, and cotton balls.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. We will read the story together.
2. Pass around a magnet for the children to observe.
3. Talk about vocab words

B. Development-

1. Show how magnets attract to one another.
2. Show how an item that is not magnetic doesn't attach to another magnetic object.

C. Practice-

1.We will work in small groups and record data by experimentation.
2. We will write on the board a list of our findings.
3. I will ask the children to think of other things that could be magnetic.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Children will use the handout I provide to show mew what they have learned.
2. They will also create a tally sheet.
3. We will then discuss answers as a whole group. They will have a homework assignment to be done at home independently.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Children who are absent for the day will get to take home a small bag of objects to try at home.
2. For a child that does not like to work in groups, I will allow them to work independently.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.After our activity we will discuss the summary of our findings together.
2.CHildren will complete another worksheet at home telling me what they know about magnets.

G. Closure-

1. The worksheet will be handed out.
2. We will read another short book about magnets that is age appropriate.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)