Subject: Chemistry
1. Topic-
Chemical Reactions and Equations
2. Content-
Types of chemical reactions
Writing chemical reactions
Writing balanced equations
Key terms
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Express key terms related to chemical reactions and equations.
2.Express the 4 types of chemical reactions and how to balance them using the bean counting method.
3.Express combustion Reactions-the reaction of a substance with oxygen, often producing heat and flames.
4.Express reactions in aqueous solutions
5.What are some visuals that express a chemical reaction?
4. Objectives-
1.Be able to balance chemical equations.
2.Be able to recognize the different types of reactions.
3.What constitutes a combustion reaction, and acid-base reaction.
4.Be able to write and recognize molecular, ionic equations, spectator ions, net ionic ions, and total ionic ions.
5.Be able to recognize a physical state of a chemical reaction.
5. Materials and Aids-
Beans, or marshmallows.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.What is a chemical reaction? Start with a Reactant and yield a Product
2.Observable change that occurs making it a chemical reaction.
3.Balancing equations
4.Predicting chemical reactions with the 4 types of reactions.
5.Know the difference between a combustion and acid-base reaction.

B. Development-

1.The reactant is what we start with ex. Sulfuric acid and calcium carbonate and the product is the result of the combination carbon dioxide and calcium sulfate.
2.The visuals that represent a chemical reactions are: color change, production of light, formation of a solid(precipitate), formation of gas, or absorption or release of heat.
3.Balanced equations are the number of atoms of each element is the same in the products as in the reactants. Distinguish the difference between coefficients and subscripts
4.When chemical reactions combine they can yield a different product
5.Balance a chemical equation and write total ionic, and net ionic equation.
6.A neutralization reaction is a double displacement reaction of an acid and a base. Bases neutralize the acid and yields water. Combustion involves oxygen molecules as a reactant.

C. Practice-

1.Balance this equation: H2+O2->H2O (Answer)2H2+O2->2H20
3.A+B=AB, AB=A+B What type of reaction is this?
4.Combustion reaction: C10H8+O2->CO2+H2O(Answer)C10H8+12O2->10CO2+4H2O
5.Acid-Base Reaction: HA+BOH->H2O+BA, H, being the acid and OH, being the base.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Try NaBr+CA(OH)2->CaBr2+NaOH, and what type of reaction? (Answer) 2NaBr+1CA(OH)2->1CaBr2+2NaOH, Double Displacement
2.Pb+H3PO4->H2+Pb3(PO4)2, and type of reaction?(Answer)3Pb+2H3PO4->3H2+1Pb3(PO4)2, Single displacement
3.AgNO3+KCl->AgCl+KNO3, what is the total ionic and net ionic equation?(Answer)Total Ionic- Ag+ +NO3- +K+ +Cl- ->AgCl+K+ +NO3- Net Ionic- Ag+ +Cl- ->AgCl

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

If you can't balance the equation the total and net ionic equations will be wrong.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Additional examples: Ca3(PO4)2+SiO2+C->CaSiO3+CO+P (Balance this equation)(Answer)Ca3(PO4)2+3SiO2+5C->3CaSiO3+5CO+2P
2.Molecular:Charomium(III)nitrate+Iron(II)Sulfate->Chromium(III)Sulfate+Iron(II)Nitrate, Write total, and net ionic reaction if there is one.(Answer) Molecular Formula: 2Cr(NO3)3+3FeSO4->3Fe(NO3)2+Cr2(SO4)3
Total Ionic: 2Cr+3 +6NO3- +3F3+2+3So4-2->2Cr+3 +6NO3- +3Fe+2 +3SO4-2
Net Ionic:Since everything is a spectator and all cancel there is no reaction.

G. Closure-

1.Practice the problems in the back of the book and email the teacher questions.
2.Homework is due at the beginning of next class.

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