1. Topic-
Interactions between Matter and Energy
2. Content-
1.Exothermic and Endothermic chemical reactions
2.Specific Heat
5.Physical and Chemical Reactions
6.Reactant & Product
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Identify examples of things that undergo exothermic or endothermic reactions
2.Identify and demonstrate that loss or gain of heat energy occurs
during exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions.
4. Objectives-
1.Record Temperature over a period of time
2.Analyze the mixing of substances to determine if a chemical reaction is occurring
3.Construct graphs & tables to analyze results
4.Determine whether the water gets hot or cold when a substance is added to it.
5.Measure the temperature versus time when a substance is added to water.

5. Materials and Aids-
Part 1

Metric measuring spoons
1 zipper-type sandwich bag
10 mL baking soda (NaHCO3)
10 mL calcium chloride (CaCl2)
10 mL water
Universal indicator
Safety goggles
Safety apron

Part 2

Metric measuring spoons
2 zipper-type sandwich bags
5 mL baking soda (NaHCO3)
5 mL calcium chloride (CaCl2)
5 mL water
Universal indicator
Temperature probe
3 different colors of colored pencils
Graph paper
Safety goggles
Safety apron

White Board
Activity copy "It's in the Bag"
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Begin with an introductory question to open the lesson:
"If I dissolve sugar in water is it a physical or chemical change?" ( This is help define physical and chemical reaction)

3."Do you think that if I dissolve sugar in room temperature water that the temperature of the water will increase, decrease, or remain the same?"

4."What if I added common table salt to room temperature water, would the temperature of that water increase, decrease, or remain the same?"

5. "Does it matter what I put in the water?"

B. Development-

1.Before the activity begins, a youtube video illustrating endo/exothermic reactions will be shown
2.Go over the activity sheet
3.Let students know they will be recording temperature,color and changes during a period of time
4.Go over safety procedures and disposal (Ammonia is slightly toxic-not to be ingested)


C. Practice-

1.Students will be working in groups of 2,3 or 4
2.I will be walking through the stations for observation

D. Independent Practice-

1.Ask the class what step they're on
2.Work on the experiment in groups but as a class
3.Ask the groups to report their findings and state if their predictions matched the results.
4. Have participants discuss the questions in their groups and the reasons why there might be a difference in temperature with different substances.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Depending on the students needs:

1.Have the student work with teacher afterschool (face-to-face)
2.Use different reading material (problems reading)
3.Move student to a different environment (if student cant focus)

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Go over a set of Post-Lab questions as a class
2.Quiz students (10 questions)on content & Vocabulary

G. Closure-

1.Endothermic & Exothermic Reaction
2.Physical & Chemical Reactions
3.Go over group results
4.Answer any questions students might have
5.Have class answer questions for homework

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)