1. Topic-
Make Rainbow Stew
2. Content-
Mix Color for Rainbow Stew
Conduct a color mixing experiment to discover which primary colors are mixed to make the secondary colors.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Use measuring tools including one cup, half cup, and measuring teaspoon/tablespoons
2.Add ingredients together and count how much we need. For example, we counted out eight cups of water
3. Mix two primary colors to make a new color. Learn primary and secondary colors
4. Objectives-
1.Kindergarten "� Physical Science Standard "� Arizona State Standards
Strand 5: Students gain an understanding of the nature of matter and energy, including their forms, the changes they undergo, and their interactions.

Mathematics "� Measurement & Data Domain (K "� 5)
Kindergarten: Measurement & Data (MD)
Describe and compare measurable attributes
 K.MD.1. Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable
attributes of a single object.
5. Materials and Aids-
- Cornstarch
- Sugar
- Water
- Measuring cups
- Pot
- 3 small bowls
- Wooden spoon for stirring
- Duct tape
- Heavy duty plastic baggies (freezer type works well)
- Red, yellow, and blue food coloring
- Stove or hot plate for adult use only

6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Introduce the concept of liquids and solids. Work with the children to look at the ingredients that we are going to work with and have them try to identify (with teacher help) if they are liquids and / or solids.
2. Introduce the topic of primary colors and explain/show them the color wheel. Explain that we will be using primary colors to make new colors.


B. Development-

1. Model a liquid and a solid to confirm the children's guesses from the introduction. A block is hard and solid. This is a solid. Water doesn't have a shape and takes the shape of its container. Pour water into a jar. Use different measuring sizes as the teacher demonstrates.

C. Practice-

Allow your child to help you measure the following ingredients as you place them in the pot. Mix 1/3 cup sugar and 1 cup cornstarch. Add 4 cups of cold water. Heat the mixture on medium heat until it begins to thicken, stirring constantly. Allow the mixture to cool. Encourage your child to describe the appearance of the mixture before and after it is cooked.
2. Once the mixture is cool, divide it equally into the 3 small bowls. Allow your child to add food coloring (one color per bowl) until the mixtures reach the color intensity desired.
3. Give your child a plastic baggie and tell her that she can select two colors to mix together. Let her use the spoons to place equal amounts of two primary colors of stew in the baggie. Make sure to have your child tell you which colors she is mixing.
4. Help your child seal the baggie tightly. Then have her knead the baggie to mix the colors to make a new color of rainbow stew. Ask her to tell you the name of the new color she made. You may even want to provide her with paper and markers or crayons to record her work. You may want to help your child write sentences such as: red and blue make purple; red and yellow make orange, etc.
5. Let your child mix the other colors until she has made all secondary colors. Allow her to display her rainbow stew badges to showcase her color mixing work.
6. For a neat extension, try mixing varying amounts of the primary colors in order to create different shades of each secondary color.

D. Independent Practice-

1.. For a neat extension, try mixing varying amounts of the primary colors in order to create different shades of each secondary color.
2. Give children items to sort into solid or liquid category. For example,

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Show a multimedia video with children mixing primary colors
2.Have children work in small groups to brainstorm items that they can categorize into solid and liquid.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Ask small group open ended questions about mixing primary colors
2.Use Venn diagrams
3.Ask children to use half cup and one cup measuring cups and sand. How many half cups does it take to fill up the sand bucket? How many one cups does it take? Draw a picture of the sand measuring making sure to write down how many sand half and whole cups you used.

G. Closure-

1. Cooking is science. When we start with several ingredients and make something new like the cornstarch stew, that is science.
2. Red yellow and blue 3
Secondary colors -purple green and orange
7. Evaluation-
Give children colored water with liquid paint. Have them measure / pour the water to mix two primary colors to make a new color.
8. Teacher Reflection-
The project went well. The children were very interested in the science / math project. They understood the concept of taking all the ingredients, mixing and heating them, and making something totally new. The stew was thick, gelatinous, and gooey.

They enjoyed the hands-on nature of the work and the mixing colors project gave them immediate results. They could see the red and blue turn into purple as well as the yellow and red turn into orange.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)