1. Topic-
Matter; Inquiry Based
2. Content-
Matter; Observations vs. Inferences
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Students will be able to develop conclusions about magnets.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will be able to:
-distinguish the difference between an observation and an inference by making observations about mystery samples with 100% accuracy.
-define measuring, manipulation of materials, observation and inference with 100% accuracy.
-make observations including mass, magnetic property and sound by observing mystery substances with 100% accuracy.
5. Materials and Aids-
-Dr. Xargle's Book of Earthlets by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross
-Smart Board lesson on Observation vs. Inference
-Various materials for students to test
-Observation worksheet
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Teacher will begin by reading the book Dr. Xargle's Book of Earthlets by Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross

B. Development-

1. Teacher will distribute lab directions, worksheets and materials.
2. Students will be asked to make only observations about the mystery substances in the containers, making sure to to not open these containers.
3. Students will measure the mass of the substances, the sound the substance makes in the container, the magnetic property of the substance.
4. Finally, students will make an inference about their substance: I think the mystery substance is ________ because __________.
5. The teacher will go through a Smart Board lesson comparing and contrasting observations and inferences.
2. After students have made their hypotheses, they will test each material with the large magnet as a group.
3. Finally, students will answer post-lab questions about their experience with the magnets.

C. Practice-

The teacher will model the first material with the students so that they know the proper steps associated with the task. The teacher will ensure that students are making observations rather than inferences.

D. Independent Practice-

Students will work within their groups making observations.


E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

The lab groups have been created to incorporate higher level readers with lower level readers. Students have been given roles within the group to ensure that each student is performing a task appropriate for his/her reading level.

F. Checking for understanding-

Throughout the lab, the teacher will visit each group to ensure that they are correctly testing materials. The teacher will remind students that they are making observations and that prior knowledge should not be incorporated.

G. Closure-

The teacher will discuss the outcome of the experiment with the class. The teacher will then distinguish between observations and inferences during the Smart Board lesson.
7. Evaluation-
The teacher will collect and grade the lab assignment.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)