1. Topic-
Mixtures and Compounds
2. Content-
mixture; compound, matter, elements, chemical process
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. To practice laboratory skills.
2. To understand the role of elements in forming more complex forms of matter.
3. To understand the difference between the 3 forms of matter
4. Objectives-
1. Separate mixtures into parts
2.Compare the characteristics of compounds and mixtures
3. To observe and analyze differences and similarities between elements,mixtures, and compounds
4. To be careful with the heat source and follow safety procedures closely.
5. Materials and Aids-
magnifying glass; sand; granite rock; granite (crushed); water; disposable pie pans (2); rock salt; heat source
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Use magnifying glass to observe the sand and granite rock. Sketchboth.
2. Sort crushed granite into separate piles by color.
3. Sketch each pile.
4. Mix spoonful of sand in water in pie pan. Sketch observations.
5. Examine and sketch salt crystals.
6. Mix spoonful of salt in water in 2nd pie pan. Record observations.
7. Heat both pans until water is evaporated. Sketch observations.

B. Development-

1. Read directions aloud with class participation.
2.Ask students to review safety procedures by asking : "What should we not do?"
3. Ask students to demonstrate proper lab behaviors.

C. Practice-

1. Walk students through procedures for preparing their own desks for experiments(removing bags, unnecessary items on desk).
2. Have students draw observation boxes in notebook for lab.
3. Have teacher demonstrate what kind of observations that are ideal (color, shape, size, changes, etc.)

D. Independent Practice-

1. Give students a set time to finish experiment and allow them to begin.
2. Walk around classroom to make sure every student is on task.
3. Stop students so that they have time to complete lab questions.
4. Cleanup time for classroom.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Allow some students to work in pairs in answering questions.
2. Reduce number of questions students must answer.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Walk around and ask students questions as they are observing the changes.
2. Ask questions after everyone has finished their written lab assignments.

G. Closure-

1. Ask students to identify one element, one compound and one mixture they see in their daily lives (around the house, at the park, etc.)
7. Evaluation-
1. In depth examination of observations.
2. Complete sentences for grammatical practice.
8. Teacher Reflection-
What did you learn today? What do remember from this lesson? What is an element, mixture, compound?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)