1. Topic-
Mixtures and Matter
2. Content-
What is matter...and why does it matter?

What are the different kinds of mixtures? What are they? Can we create a new kind?
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students will describe the essential details of mixtures and matter using textbooks to create a graphic organizer in groups of two.
2.Students will describe the essential details of mixtures and matter using websites to create a report in groups of two.
4. Objectives-
1.Complete all journals/exit slips with 70% accuracy
2.Create and answer student made questions with 70% accuracy
3.Complete graphic organizers with 70% accuracy

A. Introduction-

1.Journals focused upon mixtures and matter topics and vocabulary
2.Journals will be monitored for accuracy through verbal and nonverbal means
3. Students will be asked to "make friends with a piece of matter"

B. Development-

Teacher will model all activities and check for understanding throughout unit

C. Practice-

1.Student definition of Matter
2.Students are asked to get up and locate a "piece of matter in the room
3. Students will be asked to "interview" matter and come back with a mock report for the class
4.Word webs will be constructed for enhancement of vocabulary
5.Examples of matter/mixtures will be shown on graphic organizers

D. Independent Practice-

1.Journals/Exit slips
Graphic organizers
Word webs
Verbal Reports

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

All recommended accommodations are applied to all lessons

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Observation of work
2.Verbal assurance
3.Re-do policy

G. Closure-

1.Exit slips
7. Evaluation-
1.Students have completed all tasks at 70% accuracy or better
3.Completed graphic organizers
8. Teacher Reflection-
-Understand basic scientific terminology
-Find basic information in a brief body of text
-Translate information into a table, graph, or diagram
-Identify similarities and differences between models

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)