1. Topic-
Paper Slide Project on Science topics:
Potential/Kinetic Energy, Boat Float, States of Matter, Water Cycle, Scientific Process
2. Content-
Will vary for each team, among vocabulary is:
digital storytelling or DST
potential, kinetic, energy, solid, liquid, gas, matter, evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration, infiltration, buoyancy, displacement, hypothesis, conclusion, procedure.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will SHOW knowledge of assigned topic and digitally share this information via a paper slide project.
2. Students will successfully film the project using a flip camera, and with teacher support, edit using iMovie.
3. Students will collaborate and reach consensus building for important decisions about the paper slide project.
4. Objectives-
1. Directly teach effective components of the DST method including:topic, game plan, narration, paper cut outs, rehearsal, recording audio, editing cards, final film.
2. Support students as they film the project using the flip camera and IMovie tools.
3. Engage in thoughtful discussions and reflections with small groups to nurture team building.
5. Materials and Aids-
Flip cameras
Laptop for iMovie and or supporting research as needed
White paper, black sharpies, colored markers
Writers notebook for scripts
Science notes that outline topic
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Quick assessment of science topic points using ActivExpressions
2. Paper Slide flip chart instructions
3. Share of other paper slide projects produced in our school

B. Development-

1. Share teacher created (my) instructional flip chart on the project components.
2. View several student example
3. Have students who have already done a paper slide project troubleshoot potential pitfalls.
4. Review Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence theories so teams can tap into watch other's strengths in order to be more effective and efficient when creating project.
5. Review Rubric for scoring

C. Practice-

1. Students draft the narration script
2. Students research and agree on the slide illustrations
3. Students rehearse and film using flip cameras

D. Independent Practice-

1. Rubric check list/check in for each student
2. Teacher conference and support
3. Recording video and audio edits and revisions

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Task selection for responsibilities for the project will be made through consensus and after review of Gardner's theories. Teacher support is expected here.
2. Student groups are pre-assigned and are not ability based.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Teacher/team conference
2. Rubric check in and completion
3. Personal reflection of project, both privately in writing and again publicly through our class WIKI

G. Closure-

1. Group share of projects
2. Individual reflection sheet that reviews content area and technological strengths for use in Digital Storytelling
7. Evaluation-
1. Rubric Score
2. Student completion of process reflection sheet
3. Student peer and teacher feedback

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)